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Traffic Control Training Online Course and Certification

Syed Amjad Ali
Traffic Control Training Online Course and Certification

Improve Workplace Safety for Traffic Control Personnel: A Guide to Traffic Control Training for Beginners

If you're concerned about the safety of your traffic control personnel (TCPs), consider providing them with the Traffic Control Awareness Module. This introductory course is designed to equip workers with the essential knowledge and skills to perform traffic control duties safely and effectively.

Not only does the course cover general information on TCP training, but it also provides specific workplace policies and procedures for traffic control. It's an all-inclusive online training and certification program that delves into the specifics of TCPs' on-the-job responsibilities, communication techniques with the public, regulations, and standards.

One of the biggest advantages of this course is its flexibility. You can take breaks as needed, and the program will automatically save your progress, allowing you to pick up where you left off. The course is fully narrated and designed to meet the guidelines of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), making it accessible to a wide range of learners.

By enrolling your TCPs in this training, you'll be ensuring that they have the knowledge and skills necessary to keep themselves and others safe while performing their duties. This can not only improve workplace safety, but also enhance your organization's reputation as a responsible and safety-conscious employer.

An Overview of Traffic Control: Understanding Its Purpose, Regulations, and Standards

Chapter 1: Introduction

This opening chapter provides a brief introduction to the overall purpose of traffic control and its importance in ensuring safety on the roads.

Chapter 2: Training

Regulations mandate that all Traffic Control Persons (TCPs) must receive written and verbal instructions. In this chapter, you'll learn how this course can help you meet that requirement and ensure that TCPs are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their duties safely.

Chapter 3: Qualifications

In addition to training, there are specific attributes that TCPs should possess to perform their duties effectively. This chapter explores these qualifications in detail, ensuring that TCPs are well-prepared to carry out their responsibilities.

Chapter 4: Legal Authority

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) plays a crucial role in regulating and controlling traffic on Ontario roads. In this chapter, you'll discover the MTO's legal authority and responsibility for traffic control, including their role in ensuring safety in work zones and their ability to regulate traffic controls and devices.

Chapter 5: Standards

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 7 Temporary Conditions sets out the requirements for traffic control, including an in-depth description of the duties and procedures of a TCP. This chapter provides an overview of these standards to ensure that TCPs are fully informed of their responsibilities.

Chapter 6: Regulations

O. Reg. 213/91 is a comprehensive regulation that outlines the measures required for traffic protection. This chapter delves into the details of this regulation, including guidelines for directing vehicular traffic, qualifications for TCPs, and requirements for upper body garments and equipment illumination.

By understanding the purpose, regulations, and standards of traffic control, TCPs can play a crucial role in ensuring safety on the roads. This course provides essential information and training to ensure that TCPs are well-equipped to perform their duties effectively and safely.

Syed Amjad Ali
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