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Sharps Needle Management

Secure Waste
Sharps Needle Management

Sharps needle management refers to the proper disposal and handling of medical sharps, including needles, syringes, and lancets. These sharps are used in healthcare facilities and by individuals who require self-administered injections or blood testing. Improper disposal and handling of sharps can lead to serious health and safety risks, including the transmission of infectious diseases and injuries from accidental needlesticks.

There are several key principles to effective sharps needle management. The first is to always use sharps containers for the disposal of used needles and syringes. Sharps containers are specially designed to prevent accidental needlesticks and are typically made of puncture-resistant materials. They should be placed in areas that are easily accessible to healthcare workers and patients, such as exam rooms and medication administration areas. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to use and dispose of sharps containers properly.

Another principle of sharps needle management is to never recap, bend, or break needles. Recapping needles is a common practice that should be avoided, as it can increase the risk of accidental needle sticks. Instead, used needles should be immediately disposed of in a sharps container without recapping. Bending or breaking needles can also increase the risk of accidental injury and should be avoided.

Proper handling and disposal of sharps also include ensuring that they are transported safely and securely. Sharps containers should be sealed properly and labeled with the appropriate warning labels. When transporting sharps, they should be kept in a secure, puncture-resistant container and handled with care to prevent accidental injury.

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