Book cheap one way flights airline tickets within a departure date range Made for digital nomads, remote workers flexible travelers. FlightList
Book cheap one way flights within a departure date range.
As a remote worker and frequent traveler, I often book one-way flights and have flexibility with my departure dates.
I prefer to search for the best deals and need a simple, minimal platform to do so. Many flight booking sites are cluttered with unnecessary options, images, and ads, which can be frustrating. That's why I created FlightList — a streamlined platform that allows users to search for flights within a departure date range and filter according to their preferences. I built FlightList to solve my own problem and help other travelers who may have similar frustrations with traditional flight booking sites.
Booking one-way flights is not for everyone, most people are not that flexible. But there is a growing trend of travelers who choose to book one-way flights as a means to save money, because they’re on a continuous journey or simply for greater flexibility. In my case,
I’ve been booking one-way flights for years, 10 to be exact. I tried to count the number of times I booked a return ticket in the last 10 years and I counted only one.
I spend my winters in Mexico so I book a ticket to go and another when I’m ready to return to Canada. It saves me from having to set a specific date and pay the fees to change the return date.
An in-depth study by the Airlines Reporting Corporation reveals a significant growth in the number of airline tickets issued for one-way travel, despite the commonly held assumption that round-trip tickets are a better value.
The report shows that the percentage of one-way trips expanded to 42% of air travel in 2017, up a whopping 45% from three years prior. I know myself and my reasons for booking one-way tickets, but what about other travelers? Why do they do it? And what allows them the flexibility?