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Mortgage Brokers California

Standard Lenders
Mortgage Brokers California

Whether you already have a reverse mortgage and you’re looking for a better deal, or you’re looking for the best reverse mortgage loan for senior citizens, Standard Lenders is here to help you. We set the standard for quality reverse mortgage service and would love to work with you to come up with an individualized plan for your circumstances.

Reverse mortgages allow you to eliminate monthly mortgage payments* while accessing tax-free proceeds so you can spend your money the way you need and want to. Our reverse mortgage loans for senior citizens allow California residents to comfortably stay in their homes, using their equity so they can age in place and enjoy the home they love.

Reverse mortgage loans are a great option for seniors who want more financial flexibility. Leveraging your home’s equity may be all you need to live comfortably and have peace of mind in your financial security.

*Borrower is still responsible to pay property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, and home maintenance costs.

Homeowners must be at least 62 years old to qualify for reverse mortgages in CA. There are also other requirements for financial assessments and future commitments, including paying property taxes and homeowner’s insurance. Homes must be primary residences and approved types. Attendance at HUD-approved counseling is also required for reverse mortgages in CA.

Meeting all the qualifications for reverse mortgages doesn’t mean you’re done with your research. Reverse mortgage amounts can be counted as income, which is typically tax-free. This means that reverse mortgage loans for senior citizens may affect potential borrowers’ eligibility for Medicaid under the “needs-based” requirement.

Individual circumstances will allow different rates and amounts, so individual tax consequences for a reverse mortgage in CA may vary. Contact us to get a personalized view of whether a reverse mortgage will be tax-deductible and how it can affect your finances.


Standard Lenders
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