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Crypto Staking: How to Earn Passive Income by Holding Crypto Assets

Cairo Finance
Crypto Staking: How to Earn Passive Income by Holding Crypto Assets

Have you ever imagined a fantasy world where your hard-earned money works hard for you around the clock, even while you're asleep? Thanks to innovative new technologies like crypto staking, this is now a dream-come-true reality for those nerds. With staking, you can put your cryptocurrency assets to work, which in turn earns you passive income without the hassle of actively trading.

All you have to do on your end is hold coins in an eligible wallet or exchange, and the network rewards you with extra coins for contributing to its security and governance. You know what, your crypto just sits there, appreciating over time through the generous staking rewards - typically 4%-5% to 10%-15% annually. That means more coins in your account every single day, week and month, completely autonomously.

Best of all, staking requires no effort on your part. You don't need to indulge into the hassle of monitoring charts, trade volatility, or picking the right coins. You simply deposit your funds and let the compounding rewards accrue in the background while you get on with your busy, chaotic life.

I'd say, indeed, the staking economy is booming, with over $20 billion in crypto assets now staked and earning passive income for their owners. Major players like Coinbase, Binance and Kraken offer staking services with coins like Tezos, Cosmos, Polkadot and Algorand.

Earn Crypto While You Sleep with Staking

Staking lets you put your cryptos to work, earning rewards while they just sit there. Simply by locking up your crypto assets in a supported wallet or exchange, you can help secure proof-of-stake blockchains like Polkadot, Cosmos, Tezos, Ethereum 2.0, Cardano and Algorand.

In return for verifying transactions and creating new blocks, you’re rewarded more crypto annually - paid straight into your account. The more you stake, the bigger your share of the rewards pie. So the longer you hold, the bigger your pot of crypto grows - all while you sleep. Simple!! Staking allows even modest crypto holders to generate a passive income stream, which is incredibly sound strange to me.

To know more visit us at - https://cairofinance.app/blog/how-to-earn-passive-income-by-holding-crypto-assets

Cairo Finance
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