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All About Hair transplant ? Is hair transplant surgery permanent?

Chandra Clinic
All About Hair transplant ? Is hair transplant surgery permanent?

About Hair transplant 

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves moving hair follicles from a donor area (typically the back or sides of the scalp) to areas of the scalp with thinning or no hair. It is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness, but it can also be performed for women and in cases of other types of hair loss.

Here's an overview of the key aspects of hair transplant:

  1. Candidate Evaluation: Before considering a hair transplant , you will undergo a consultation with a hair transplant surgeon in Delhi. They will assess your hair loss pattern, examine the quality of your donor area, discuss your expectations, and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
  2. Preparing for the Procedure:
  • Planning: The surgeon will design the hairline and determine the number of grafts needed to achieve the desired result.
  • Medical Evaluation: You may need to undergo certain medical tests to ensure you are in good health for the surgery.
  • Instructions: The surgeon will provide instructions on pre-operative care, such as avoiding certain medications, smoking, or alcohol.
  1. Hair Transplant Procedure:
  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is typically administered to numb the scalp, ensuring a painless procedure.
  • Donor Area Harvesting: Depending on the technique used, either Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), the hair follicles are harvested from the donor area. FUT: In FUT, a strip of scalp containing hair follicles is surgically removed, and the wound is closed with stitches.
  • FUE: In FUE, individual hair follicles are extracted using a specialized punch tool or robotic device.
  • Graft Preparation: The harvested follicles are carefully prepared by separating them into individual grafts.
  • Recipient Area Transplantation: Tiny incisions are made in the recipient area, and the grafts are placed into these incisions with precision.
  • Closure: If FUT was performed, the donor area is closed with stitches or staples.
  1. Post-Transplant Recovery and Care:
  • Medications: The surgeon may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection and medications to reduce swelling and promote healing.
  • Recovery Period: Most patients can resume normal activities within a few days, although strenuous exercise should be avoided for a few weeks.
  • Post-Transplant Shedding: It is common for the transplanted hair to shed within a few weeks after the procedure. This is a normal part of the process, and new hair growth should start within a few months.
  • Long-Term Care: The surgeon will provide instructions on how to care for the transplanted area, including washing, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and follow-up appointments.
  1. Results and Expectations:
  • Hair Growth Timeline: After the shedding phase, new hair growth typically begins within a few months. It can take 6-12 months to see the full results of the transplant.
  • Natural-Looking Results: The transplanted hair should blend with your existing hair, providing a natural appearance.
  • Maintenance: Hair transplant in Delhi does not prevent future hair loss, so additional procedures or medical treatments may be required to maintain or improve the results.

It's important to consult with a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon to discuss your specific situation, expectations, and available options. They can provide personalized advice and help determine if hair transplant is the right choice for you.

Is hair transplant surgery permanent?

Hair transplant surgery is considered to be a permanent solution for hair loss. The transplanted hair follicles are typically resistant to the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which is responsible for causing hair loss in individuals with genetic predisposition.

During the procedure, hair follicles are harvested from the donor area (usually the back or sides of the scalp) and transplanted into the recipient area. These transplanted follicles retain their original characteristics and continue to grow hair in their new location.

Once the transplanted hair follicles have successfully taken root and started growing, they should continue to grow hair in the same way as they did in the donor area. The transplanted hair is permanent, and you can expect it to grow and behave like your natural hair.

It's important to note that while the transplanted hair is permanent, the existing non-transplanted hair in the recipient area may still be subject to the effects of hair loss. This means that additional hair loss over time may require further procedures or medical treatments to maintain the desired hair density and appearance.

The success and longevity of a hair transplant also depend on various factors, including the skill and experience of the surgeon, the quality of the donor hair, the individual's natural hair characteristics, and their overall health. Consulting with a qualified hair transplant specialist can provide you with a better understanding of the potential outcomes and long-term results based on your specific situation.

Chandra Clinic
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