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The Gratitude Grid Explained

rain carrington
The Gratitude Grid Explained

Being grateful isn’t a cup of tea for everyone nowadays. Do you agree?

Gratitude might feel trickier or, at times, less natural for many. Yet it is suitable for your psychological well-being, relationships, productivity, and physical health. Life is full of blessings, yet we tend to focus on things we don’t have. The comparison with others fills our hearts with hatred and jealousy. 

Try to think of things you have instead of what you don’t. Imagine if you didn’t have what you do right now; how would your life turn?

The power of gratitude is mind-blowing, and it is considered to be a strong positive emotion. Program Your Mind by Gohar Yasin Chaudhary suggests the importance of gratitude and how it impacts one’s health, family, work, and other aspects of life.

Gohar revealed the significance of gratitude by inventing a gratitude grid – a sort of exercise to evaluate your level of gratitude Book For Anxiety And Depression.

The Gratitude Grid

Imagine your life being represented in 100 squares, of which 70 squares represent your health, ten for your family, another ten for work, and ten more for other desires and wishes.


When was the last time you thanked God and people close to you who have a vital role in keeping you healthy? When was the last time you thought about how grateful you are for living a healthy life?

The gratitude grid has 70 boxes for health, our most prioritized possession that deserves ultimate care. It is least appreciated when we have it, but the moment we fear death is the time we realize how precious it is.

Imagine sleeping at night and not waking up in the morning. That is how life is. It takes seconds to teach us how grateful we should be for being healthy.

Program Your Mind teaches us that the past and future aren’t places we should live in but the present. Never take health for granted, as it can be taken away from us anytime.


The 71st to the 80th squares portray the importance of family.

People with their families around don’t care how grateful they should be. But once you are distant from them or lose your close ones, that moment reveals how grateful you were for them. We often fight and indulge in disputes with our family members but always end up loving each other. That is what the power of family portrays – the deep bond is persistent forever.

Stop taking relationships for granted and start giving them attention.


Are you able to bear your daily expenses and handle your current bills?

When was the last time you ordered food from a fine restaurant? You easily paid for the food, right? Were you grateful for it? So many families in this world are unable to afford these necessities. Children are starving to death. Yet, we are ungrateful for what we have.

If your present job assists you in growing and developing while letting you handle all your expenses easily, then you don’t have anything to be ungrateful for. 

Other Desires

The last ten squares represent other wishes and desires one has in life. Few tend to fulfill these desires, while some can never meet them.

Finalizing the Blog!

Out of 100 squares, imagine 96 of them are checked, while the other four are your problems or things you are ungrateful for. The gratitude grid suggests that despite being thankful 96% of the time, we tend to focus on the other four we failed to acquire. This is the reality!

Don’t let a few problems hijack the life you are gifted with! Get a copy of Program Your Mind by Gohar Yasin Chaudhary and get a deeper insight into the gratitude grid.

rain carrington
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