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How uPVC Profiles are Better Than Wooden/Steel Ones!

How uPVC Profiles are Better Than Wooden/Steel Ones!

uPVC or Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride has various advantages in terms of durability, quality, maintenance, and more compared to any other material like wood, iron, or steel. People nowadays regard uPVC to be the most efficient and effective material to use when installing windows and doors in any space, whether residential or commercial.

We will now go through some of the most significant benefits of uPVC profiles. Let’s get started!


The nature of sound-proofing in uPVC material allows them to cut noise levels up to 40 decibels, and this feature makes uPVC stand out as the perfect solution for spaces like homes and offices. 


The uPVC windows and doors resist extreme climatic conditions and withstands coldness, heat, and rains with ease. The weatherproofing feature in uPVC makes them ideal for high-rise buildings, especially in coastal areas, which are exposed to strong winds, heavy rains and salty weather conditions.


uPVC is a lead-free and recyclable material that does not corrode or deteriorate with time, and encourages a sustainable way of living.

uPVC is self-extinguishing in the case of a fire, and its inherent strength prevents it from altering even under harsh conditions.

Energy Efficient

The uPVC is manufactured with multi-chambered sections that come with unique double seal mechanisms that perfectly insulate any space against heat. This feature is called heat insulation capability and due to this advantage, uPVC is considered as the best compared to steel, wood, or even iron.

Easy Maintenance

uPVC profiles can be maintained easily and do not require painting or other such activities as they do not rot, warp or corrode and are completely termite proof. When considering giving them a fresh look, all you need to do is to clean them once in a while. 

Aesthetic & Secure

uPVC profiles can be easily customizable to suit any configuration or dimension due to its flexible nature, and they can be laminated to enhance beauty.

They can be fitted with multi-point high-security locks that can be screwed into the steel core of the window and door profiles, making them the most secure material compared to wood, steel or iron windows & doors.

Taking all of these factors into consideration, you may be wondering if there is a brand that provides all of these features in one package. The sole advice would be to explore Okotech’s excellence. Okotech uPVC profiles are made with cutting-edge German extrusion machinery that ensures the highest quality and efficiency. For Additional information explore https://okotech.in/ .


Also Read: uPVC window frame profiles: An analysis of the range of uPVC profiles in Okotech

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