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Flowering Plants Tips and Tricks: Unlock the Secrets of Blooming Brilliance

The Green Corner
Flowering Plants Tips and Tricks: Unlock the Secrets of Blooming Brilliance

Flowering plants are the best option when you want to add colours and freshness to your home. And if you like exotic flowers, it can also enhance the sophistication of your interior decor. Decorating with indoor plants also boosts emotional and mental well-being. After a long hard day, spending time with your favourite Chrysanthemums, Dendrobiums and Hydrangeas plants can wash away all your stress and tension.

Yet, caring for flower plants can be a tad difficult for beginners. That’s why we curated a list of tips and tricks from gardening experts to simplify flower plant maintenance.


7 tips and tricks to care for flowering plants:


  1. Research - Whether it's an ornamental plant or a common house plant, adding greenery to your home requires effort. Each plant has different care needs, so researching before buying any plant can help you to pick the right ones. And if you’re a beginner, low-maintenance flower plants are the best.
  2. Understand watering needs - Relative humidity of Singapore weather is often at 80% or above, which is high for most plants. So, overwatering is a significant risk for plants. Thus, you can try the finger test before watering your plants. Check the top few inches of the soil with your finger, only water the plant if it is dry.
  3. Apply fertilizers - The soil in the potted plants, especially for ornamental ones, often lose fertility. Loss of fertility in the turf leads to poor nutrition for the plants. Hence, it is advisable to use appropriate fertilizers. You can use organic fertilizers to boost their growth and bloom.
  4. Enough sunlight - Singapore is a tropical country. So, the temperature is high all year round. And the direct sunlight can be damaging for the plants. The direct and continuous daylight in the Singapore weather burn the leaves and flowers. Therefore, to protect the plants, you can keep them indoors, preferably near a window.
  5. Removing faded flowers - Pruning and pinching are necessary for flowering plants. Cut off all faded flowers from the base of the flowering stem. Similarly, you can remove all brown and yellow leaves as well. Regular and careful pruning promotes healthy growth of the flowers.
  6. Keep away from air ducts - Just like too much moisture isn’t good for your plants; similarly, dehydration can also be fatal. If your flower plants are too close to the air conditioner, the direct cold air can strip them of all moisture. The plants may result in browning foliage due to the lack of condensation.
  7. Pest control - For an indoor garden, pest and disease control are necessary. Since indoor plants are placed in close proximity, if one plant has pests, it quickly spreads to the other plants. Here, you can prune the unhealthy, wilted and diseased parts to make room for the healthy parts to grow and flourish. Furthermore, it is also advised to use organic pesticides for your indoor gardens or plants.


In Summation

Caring for flower plants may seem overwhelming, but plant shops in Singapore can guide you well in such matters. If you’re confused about which fertilizer or pesticide to use, consult your favourite nursery ASAP!

Now you can nurture your slice of paradise with these flowering plant care tips.

The Green Corner
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