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What is apex and capex model in solar energy

Novergy Solar
What is apex and capex model in solar energy


Solar energy is one of the most promising and sustainable sources of clean energy on the planet. It is free and abundant, making it an attractive option for those who are interested in generating clean energy. But, like any other investment, installing a solar energy system can be quite expensive. That is where the Apex and Capex model comes in, providing a way to finance the installation of solar energy systems.

What is Apex and Capex Model in Solar Energy?

The Apex and Capex model is a financial framework for financing solar energy systems that can help individuals, businesses, and institutions make the transition to clean energy. It involves two different methods of financing: Apex and Capex.

Capex Model

The Capex model is a way of financing solar energy systems in which the customer owns and operates the solar power system. With this model, the owner of the solar energy system pays the entire cost upfront and owns the system. The owner, in this case, is responsible for all the maintenance, operations, and cleaning of the solar panels.

The Capex model is beneficial for those who have the financial resources to invest in a solar energy system and have a more long-term vision. In the long run, the system pays for itself, thereby saving the owner money on their energy bills. However, the initial investment can be quite significant, which is why the Apex model may be a better solution for those who cannot afford upfront costs.

Apex Model

The Apex model is a financing option in which a third party owns, installs and maintains the solar energy system. The third party will charge a fixed fee for the energy the system produces or offer a power purchase agreement (PPA). The PPA will enable the customer to pay for the energy they consume at a fixed price over a certain period.

The Apex model is best suited for those who cannot afford the upfront costs of installing a solar energy system. The third-party company would install the solar energy system, and the owner would only have to pay for the energy the system produces. This way, customers do not have to worry about maintenance, installation, or cleaning of the solar panels. All they have to do is sit back and let the solar panels do their work.

Advantages of Apex and Capex Model

The Apex and Capex models offer numerous benefits to businesses, governments, and individuals who want to generate clean energy.

Low Financial Risk

One of the significant benefits of the Apex and Capex models is that they both have low financial risk for the owner. The Apex model is beneficial for those who do not want to invest in a solar energy system due to the high upfront costs. In contrast, the Capex model provides long-term benefits, and the owner can recover their initial investment through energy bill savings in the long run.

Easy Maintenance and Management

With the Apex model, the third party who owns and operates the solar energy system is responsible for cleaning, maintenance, and management of the system. The owner does not have to worry about the handling of the solar panels. With the Capex model, the owner is responsible for the maintenance, but solar panels are relatively easy to maintain, and there is no need for regular maintenance.

Long-Term Savings

Solar energy systems generate significant long-term savings on energy bills, and the Apex model allows for long-term savings without any initial investment. On the other hand, the Capex model provides long-term benefits for those who invest in the solar energy system and recover their initial investment through savings.

Who Should Use Apex and Capex Model?

The Apex and Capex models are beneficial for the following:


Builders can use the Apex and Capex model to install solar panels in new buildings or as part of a renovation project. This will help reduce the energy consumption of the building and significantly reduce the energy bills, creating a cost-effective approach to energy saving.

Park and Business Owners

Park and business owners who have large open areas can install solar energy systems on the roofs of their buildings or as a standalone installation. By generating their clean energy, business owners can reduce their energy bills and contribute to the environment.

Corporate Houses

Corporate houses and organizations who have multiple buildings across various locations can use the Apex and Capex models to install solar energy systems across their offices, contributing to the environment and long-term savings.

Novergy Solar best manufacturer in India

Novergy Solar is one of the most prominent solar panel manufacturers in India that has been setting up state-of-the-art solar power solutions for various industries for over a decade now. The company has expertise in manufacturing high-quality solar panels and other solar-related products, including solar inverters, solar lighting systems, and solar modules.

The company's innovative solar modules are built using advanced technology and are designed to produce maximum energy output to ensure efficient power generation. Novergy Solar's top-of-the-line products are known for their high durability, reliability, and sustainability, making them highly sought after by customers looking for a reliable solar power solution.

One of the most significant advantages of investing in Novergy Solar's products is that they provide long-term savings while also helping to reduce carbon emissions. Anyone looking to reduce their carbon footprint and switch to renewable energy should consider Novergy Solar's products.

Overall, Novergy Solar is a leading manufacturer of solar panels and solar-related products that are designed to make a lasting impact on the environment while also providing a reliable source of power. Investing in their products is a wise decision for anyone seeking a sustainable alternative to conventional power sources.


The Apex and Capex models in solar energy are beneficial for those who want to generate clean energy without having to make significant upfront investments. The Apex model provides long-term savings on energy bills, while the Capex model has the potential to generate long-term savings if the owner recovers the initial investment through energy bill savings. Both models have low financial risks and offer easy maintenance. The Apex and Capex models are suitable for builders, park and business owners, and corporations who want to contribute to the environment and generate long-term savings.

Novergy Solar
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