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Tree Removal Georgia - What You Need to Know

North Georgia Arbor Management & Tree Service
Tree Removal Georgia - What You Need to Know

Atlanta is a beautiful and lush city, but it is not without its fair share of trees. In fact, the National Forest Service lists Atlanta as one of the most heavily forested urban areas in the country. Trees add beauty and value to your home, but they also provide protection and can reduce the risk of severe weather or fire. Unfortunately, some trees are unhealthy or infested and need to be removed. The good news is that professional tree removal services can help you safely and efficiently remove any unwanted or dead trees from your property.

There are several things that can affect the cost of a tree removal project, including the height of the tree, its condition, and location. In addition, the price may be affected by whether it is a residential or commercial job. However, the most important factor is the experience of the arborists. An experienced, insured arborist is the best way to ensure that the job is done correctly and that your yard and property are safe.

Tree removal can be a dangerous job, which is why it’s crucial to hire the right company. Look for a local arborist who has the right tools and safety equipment to ensure that the job is completed safely and quickly. You should also ask about the company’s insurance coverage to make sure that you are covered in case of an accident or damage to your property.

Whether or not you need to get a permit for a tree removal depends on where your property is located and the type of tree you are removing. In most cases, you will need a permit to remove a tree with a diameter of more than six inches at its base or if the tree is in a utility easement. However, if the tree is healthy and not being removed due to damage or to make way for construction, you should be able to get away with it without a permit.

A local tree service can help you determine if you need a permit for your project and assist you with the process. In addition, they can help you determine the best time to remove a tree. Early spring is typically the best time for tree removal because it’s when the trees aren’t full of leaves and can be cut down easily. They can also help you with other tree maintenance services, such as chipping and log splitting. These additional services will come at an extra cost, but they can help you get the most out of your trees.

North Georgia Arbor Management & Tree Service is a professional tree removal company that has served the area for over ten years. We are fully licensed and insured, and our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the highest quality service possible. We provide a wide range of services, including tree trimming, tree pruning, tree removal, stump grinding, and more. We even offer 24-hour emergency services so you can get help when you need it the most.

North Georgia Arbor Management & Tree Service
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