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Intelligent automation testing or Ai testing services

Intelligent automation testing or Ai testing services

Intelligent automation testing or AI testing services are two related but slightly different concepts in the field of software testing.

Intelligent automation testing is the use of automation technologies, such as robotic process automation (RPA), to automate software testing processes. This can help reduce the time and effort required for manual testing, improve test coverage, and increase testing accuracy.

Both intelligent automation testing and AI testing services offer several benefits to organizations, including improved testing efficiency, reduced testing costs, and increased test coverage. However, the specific approach and tools used will depend on the nature and complexity of the software being tested.

In general, the use of intelligent automation and AI in software testing is a growing trend that is expected to become more prevalent in the coming years. As software systems become more complex and the demand for high-quality software increases, these technologies are likely to play an increasingly important role in ensuring software quality and reliability.

Link: https://www.webomates.com/blog/automation-testing/ai-test-automation-services-in-2023/

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