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Everything about Cyber Security Audit and Compliance

Everything about Cyber Security Audit and Compliance

The inception of Information Technology has raised the issue of cyber security in today’s time. The increasing number of users, devices and programs has elevated the amount of information sensitive to misuse. Moreover, the growing number of hackers and attackers is contributing to the urgency of security towards individuals and organizations for protection towards unauthorized access.  

The surge in cyber threats can be guarded against destruction and controlled with timely audits. For that we need to better understand the concept of cyber security audit and compliance. This blog will take you through everything that you need to know: 

What is Cyber Security Audit? 

Cyber security audit is an inspection and extensive assessment of an organization's digital infrastructure. An audit has been made to confirm that all the required guidelines have been executed and the security management is working properly. Usually, a third-party executive is the auditor who carries out the procedure of identifying the vulnerabilities and weaknesses that can result in infringement of data.  

The identification of weaknesses includes finding out about the ways any hacker can use to enter the protected database and sabotage the network. This is ensured by meeting all the compliance requirements and strictly following the data privacy laws. Other than that, the software is checked to make an analysis of any gaps between the networks. 

Benefits of Cyber Security Audit and Compliance 

  • Cyber security audits are done to save organizations from the malicious practice of data breach and identity theft by unaccredited individuals. 

  • Audits will achieve a detailed analysis of the internal and external security system to create an understanding of the problematic areas with possible solutions. 

  • Threats like phishing attacks, Distributed Denials of Service (DDOS), insider threats can cause a huge financial loss. An efficient audit will decrease the occurrence of these possible threats and save the organization from serious financial damage. 

  • There is a high chance that the organization has to face reputational damage in case of a cyber-attack. This can directly affect the business as shareholders can develop distrust towards the organization. But Cyber security audit and compliance can protect the integrity of the company and its operations. 

  • An auditor can consult the organization on meeting the compliance standards and taking detailed measures against loss of sensitive data. 

Things covered under Cyber Security Audit

A cyber security audit and compliance covers the overall IT infrastructure of the organization. This includes hardware, software and network along with the devices that employees use.  

Following are the key areas that will also be assessed:

  • Data Security:

Protection of digital data by limiting network access and data encryption to ensure security from unauthorized users. 

  • Operational Security:

Security and risk management to protect sensitive information from being disclosed. 

  • Network Security:


Network monitoring through firewalls, VPNs, Intrusion prevention system, wireless security, application security and access control. 

  • System Security:

Networks and resources are saved from downtime, interferences and intrusion. 

  • Physical Security:

Protection of the business property and equipment from theft, natural disasters, vandalism, manmade crisis or accidental damage. 

How often should you conduct a Cyber Security Audit?

Generally, a company must conduct a cyber security audit and compliance once a year. However, the frequency of the audits should be increased based on the requirements of the organization.  

The audit can depend on the size of the organization. A large company may conduct audits at longer intervals while a small company may conduct audits at regular intervals. This is based on the total amount that a company can spend on its audit procedure. 

An audit should also take place in case of any changes in the compliance standards. The task is to balance the number of audits to meet the conditions of the company. 

In Conclusion

Cyber security audit and compliance is extremely important to handle the challenges of security and risks to the business. If you are an organization looking for an auditor, Cyber Cops is here to end your search.  

The Audit and Assurance Programs at Cyber Cops will nurture your platform with the safest encryption to mitigate risks and safeguard compliance and security to the most complex privacy regulations. We skillfully adapt to different industry practices and provide needful solutions to consulting and Audits.

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