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Gratis Learning Institute
IELTS in Panchkula

Gratis School of Learning provides IELTS coaching in Panchkula with the best tutelage and at the most affordable fee. Students who enroll in Gratis School of Learning for IELTS coaching in Panchkula can expect to receive personalized attention, practice tests, feedback on their performance, and helpful tips for improving their English language skills.

Why choose us?

We offer

  • A professional and effective way to prepare for the International English Language Testing System.
  • Customized training programs to suit individual needs.
  • We cover all aspects of the exam, including reading, writing, listening and speaking.
  • Our IELTS classes in Panchkula are led by experienced instructors who have a thorough understanding of the testing format and requirements.

With the help of our dedicated teaching staff and modern facilities, students can confidently pursue their academic or career goals by achieving high scores on the IELTS exam after receiving specialized IELTS training in Panchkula.

For more information: https://gratislearning.in/

For immigration or pursuing higher studies abroad, Gratis Learning offers General and Academic IELTS training structured to provide accurate and thorough coaching for excelling all four modules of IELTS; Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading.

For Some Components, the Academic and General Test Modules are Similar


It consists of four parts, 40 minutes, 40 questions:

The first part is a conversation between two individual

The second part is a monologue/speech.

The third part is a conversation among a maximum of four people set in an academic setting.

The final one is a monologue on an academic subject

Each part is heard only once.


It includes three sections, 40 items:

Text passages are given to answer questions in multiple-choice, sentence completion, summary writing, matching information, short-answers. The reading passages and questions are different in Academic and general modules.

Each passage consists of 13-14 questions.


It includes two tasks of 60 minutes.

Task 1 of the General test format consists of letter writing of 150 words; in Task 1 of the Academic test format applicants are presented with a graph, table, chart or diagram and are asked to describe, summarize or explain the information in their own words.

In Task 2, applicants will be asked to write an essay of 250 words in response to a point of view, argument or problem.


It comprises of a 3 part one-on-one conversation test of 11 to 14 minutes. 

In Part 1, questions are asked about oneself and a range of familiar topics, such as home, family, work, studies and interests.It is 4-5 minutes long.

In Part 2, a card is given asking the applicant to talk about a particular topic. 1 minute is given before speaking to prepare.

In Part 3, questions are asked related to part 3. 


Welcome to Gratis Learning : Best IELTS Coaching Institute in Panchkula, the renowned platform train students through a variety of easy to follow modules that are both time flexible and student friendly. There is no eligibility criteria for IELTS as per the IELTS guidelines. In order to qualify for jobs or education purposes in those countries where English is the primary language of communication and instruction, the test can be taken after 16 years of age. As discussed above, IELTS tests can be taken based on four skills.

Make sure to know the selection process through IELTS before you give a start as it differs from institution to institution.

Gratis Learning Institute
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