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Yoga for Anxiety and Stress: The Various Mental Health Benefits

Health Care Everything
Yoga for Anxiety and Stress: The Various Mental Health Benefits

In 21 century, the tech world depends on one’s cognitive capabilities.

It is often observed that employees get burnt out with intense workflow, and after long hours of continuous working, their cognitive abilities diminish, which leads to mental fatigue, an increase in stress, depression, anxiety, and Insomnia is one of the recurring ailments these. In such a scenario, a person seeks medical treatment from doctors such as therapy and medical tablets which give good results at first but it temporarily relieves the patient and soon after medicine effects wear off the person’s dosage consumption increases. This can lead to severe bio-psyche disorders.

As a remedy, people are trying yoga therapy and it is classified as Complementary to Alternative Medicine by the National Institute of Health too!

Along similar lines, The World Health Organization has mentioned that only a quarter of people get treated for depression and anxiety in the world. This results due to an unhealthy lifestyle. The reports mention that 14% of the world’s adolescents in a billion people are suffering from mental disorders, and only just a small fraction of people are able to get treated with affordable treatments.

People who are focused on perfection, timid in nature, flustered, lack self-esteem are prone to Anxiety and Stress even depression. The concept of being mentally healthy is not necessarily new to us, but it needs more scientific research, and we need to understand it in more depth. Yoga is one of the ancient knowledge that is still not completely understood by the masses, and only a handful of scholars know the depth, and the rest of the population only knows the tip of the iceberg!

Improvement signs have indicated people who volunteer to take part in Yoga mediated lifestyle on daily basis have seen changes in their approach to life and life around them, and they feel younger than before.

Read More: https://healthcareeverything.com/yoga-for-anxiety-and-stress-the-various-mental-health-benefits/

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