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Outdoor Play: The Surprising Benefits for Children's Eye Health

Eye Concepts
Outdoor Play: The Surprising Benefits for Children's Eye Health

Outdoor Play: The Surprising Benefits for Children's Eye Health

Having the best for a child's health and well-being is a priority for a parent. While it is known that outdoor play can benefit your child's physical and mental health, it can also benefit your child's eye health. In this post, we'll discuss the importance of outdoor play for eye health in children and the benefits it can provide.

The Problem: Increasing Myopia in Children

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is on the rise in children worldwide. The prevalence of myopia increased significantly over the past few decades. While no single cause exists for this trend, several theories exist on why myopia is increasing. Book an appointment with a kids' optometrist in Sydney, NSW, Australia, to determine if your child has myopia.

One theory is that spending more time indoors and focusing on near tasks, such as reading or using electronic devices, may play a role in developing myopia. Research has shown that children spending more time outdoors are exposed to more natural light and engage in activities that require distance vision. These lower the risk of developing myopia.

The Benefits of Outdoor Play for Eye Health

Outdoor play for children reduces the risk of myopia, relaxes the eye muscles, protects against eye conditions, and develops visual skills.

Reduced risk of myopia (nearsightedness)

Outdoor play has significantly reduced the possibility that a child will develop myopia. Children who spend more time outside are up to 50% less likely to develop myopia.

Relaxation of eye muscles

Being outdoors and focusing on distant objects gives the eye muscles a chance to relax, especially after prolonged periods of staring at screens. It can help prevent eye strain and fatigue.

Protection against eye conditions

Increased outdoor time has been found to have a protective effect against the onset of myopia and help prevent myopia in children. Exposure to sunlight helps prevent cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Development of visual skills

Outdoor play provides opportunities for children to practice and develop important visual skills such as depth perception, peripheral vision, and hand-eye coordination. These skills are essential for many everyday activities and can benefit a child throughout their life.

Other benefits of outdoor play for children

Outdoor play is incredibly beneficial for children's development and has many positive effects beyond improving eye health. 

Physical Activity

Children with outdoor play are more active and improve their health and well-being. Regular physical activity help reduce obesity, improve cardiovascular health, and strengthen bones and muscles.


Playing outside also provides opportunities for socialization and collaboration. Children can interact with others, learn how to share, take turns, and problem-solve together. These skills build relationships and develop social competence.


Outdoor play also allows children to be more creative and imaginative. They can explore their environment, think critically, and engage in imaginative play. Time spent in nature can help children to develop a sense of curiosity, wonder, and appreciation for the world around them.

Skills Development

In addition to these benefits, outdoor play can also help children to develop skills such as balance, coordination, and agility. Playing on playground equipment, riding bikes, and climbing trees help build gross motor skills and improve overall physical development.

Tips for encouraging outdoor play

Encouraging children to play outdoors is essential for their physical, mental, and emotional health. Here are tips for parents and caregivers:

  1. Schedule outdoor time: Set aside a regular time each day or week for outdoor play. It will help children get used to playing outside and make it a natural part of their routine.

  1. Find fun outdoor activities: Look for activities your child enjoys that can be done outdoors. These could include playing sports, going on nature walks, doing scavenger hunts, playing with water toys, and more.

  1. Be a role model: Children learn by example, so if you want them to spend time outdoors, ensure you also spend time outside. Plan family outings and activities that involve spending time in nature.

  1. Create a safe outdoor environment: Ensure your backyard or outdoor play area is safe for children. It includes checking for sharp objects, ensuring the area is free from hazardous materials, and ensuring the play equipment is in good condition.

  1. Encourage unstructured play: Give children the freedom to explore and play independently. Unstructured play allows children to use their imagination, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

  1. Provide incentives: Children love rewards! Encourage outdoor play by providing incentives such as a special treat or outing after a certain amount of playing outside.


Outdoor play is crucial for a child's physical and mental health and eye health. It can improve a child's overall health, social skills, and creativity and develop important visual skills. Parents and caregivers can encourage outdoor play by scheduling regular outdoor time, providing fun and safe activities, being role models, encouraging unstructured play, and providing incentives. We can help our children lead healthier and happier lives by prioritizing outdoor play.

Eye Concepts
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