To avoid jail time, it is advisable that you pay taxes. However, this advice, valuable might it be, fails to hit its mark. Frequently, entities, both business and individual fail to file for tax return. What follows a chain of such failure is an elaborated investigation conducted by the Internal Revenue Service or the mighty IRS.
It is not immediate that IRS will pursue you. They wait for at least six years before sending out the notice to inform you about the upcoming investigation. In this notice, they include the amount of outstanding taxation and the consequences that may befall upon you, lest you fail to pay or file the return timely.
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So, now that you have received the notice, what should you do? Worry over the upcoming dilemma? Probably, you should. But, worrying will not help you in the least. You need to a solid strategy that will help you avoid possible imprisonment.
Contemplate These
The last thing IRS wants is to put you in the jail. To put you in jail they will have to conduct a criminal investigation. Such an investigation is expensive. Also, criminal investigation requires huge resources. Therefore, the IRS will rather strike a deal with you than convict you. However, if you refuse to cooperate as the last resort the investigation will take place. Agents do not normally appear to the door step with guns and cuffs.
Often time, tax evasion cases are closely related to other criminal activities like fraud or money laundering. When it comes down to that the IRS sees no other choice than to pursue the matter further.
Stay Out of Jail
Yes, you can go to jail for not paying tax. If you have received the notice from IRS, delay no further. This is not the time to adhere to patience. Waiting only makes the matter worse. Therefore, seek defense immediately and talk to an established tax lawyer.
The best advice which any expert lawyer will provide you is – do not fail to respond. If you open your mail box and find the notice from IRS, you will be shocked. There is no doubt about this. However, if you think that the problem will go away on its own, you will be in greater trouble in the future. The notice may not mean that you are already being investigated, but failing to respond will surely open the path for an investigation.
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Once the case moves further, the IRS may conduct an audit session. Being defensive or hostile in this situation will never help you. If anything, this will make the IRS pursue the matter with more energy. Therefore, cooperate. Always remember that you may still stand a chance. But, if you fail to lend a hand of support, you will be left with no help at all.
In panic, some destroy documents. This is a grave mistake. If you do this, you will make yourself to look guilty and risk exposing yourself to additional criminal charges. IRS will want to review all the documents. They will try to gather evidence against you as well. Do not give the chance to accuse you of destroying evidence.