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The Differences Between Dental Bridges and Crowns

Clove Dental
The Differences Between Dental Bridges and Crowns

Maintaining optimal oral health often requires addressing dental issues such as missing or damaged teeth. Dental bridges and crowns are two common solutions that offer restorative and cosmetic benefits. Here we will delve into the distinction between dental bridges and crowns, their purposes, the process of getting them, their longevity, costs, and potential risks. By understanding these key aspects, you can make an informed decision about the most suitable option for your oral health needs.

Dental Bridges: Filling the Gap

A dental bridge is a prosthetic device used to replace one or more missing teeth. It consists of a false tooth or teeth, known as a pontic, that are supported by adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. The supporting teeth are crowned, and the pontic is suspended between them to fill the gap left by missing teeth. Dental bridges not only restore your smile's appearance but also improve functionality and prevent potential oral health issues caused by gaps.

Dental Crowns: Restoration and Protection

A dental crown, also referred to as a tooth cover cap, is a custom-designed covering that is placed over a damaged or decayed tooth. Its primary purpose is to restore the tooth's strength, size, and shape while protecting it from further damage. Dental crowns are versatile and can be made from various materials, including ceramics and metals, to closely match the appearance of natural teeth.

Differences between Dental Bridges and Crowns

The fundamental distinction between dental bridges and crowns lies in their purpose. Dental bridges are designed to bridge the gap created by missing teeth, whereas dental crowns primarily serve to restore and protect a single damaged tooth.


Dental Bridge

Dental Crown


To fill in a gap caused by one or more missing teeth

To restore a damaged or decayed tooth

Number of teeth involved

Three or more teeth (two on either side of the gap)

One tooth

Type of attachment

Cemented to natural teeth

Cemented to the tooth that it is covering


Typically more expensive than a crown

Typically less expensive than a bridge

When are dental bridges or crowns needed?

Dental bridges are typically recommended when you have one or more missing teeth, helping to prevent issues like speech difficulties, bite problems, and changes in facial appearance. Dental crowns, on the other hand, are necessary for damaged or decayed teeth that cannot be restored with fillings.

The Process of Creating Dental Bridges and Crowns

  • Both dental bridges and crowns are crafted in a dental laboratory. The process involves:
  • Taking impressions of your teeth
  • Sending the impressions to the dental laboratory. 
  • Creating a mold of your teeth from the impressions
  • Using the mold to fabricate the bridge or crown
  • Cementing the bridge or crown onto your teeth.

Longevity and Maintenance

With proper care and regular dental check-ups, dental bridges and crowns can last for many years. However, they may need replacement if they become damaged, loose, or if changes occur in your oral health.

Cost Considerations

The cost of dental bridges and crowns varies based on factors like the material used, location, and dentist's fees. For example, ceramic tooth cap price can be influenced by the quality of the material and the dental professional's expertise.

Potential Risks

While the risks associated with dental bridges and crowns are minimal, they may include infection, allergic reactions, pain, sensitivity, root damage, and tooth decay. These risks can be minimized by seeking treatment from a skilled and experienced dentist.


Dental bridges and crowns are essential tools in restorative dentistry, addressing the challenges posed by missing and damaged teeth. Understanding the differences between these treatments, their applications, and their potential outcomes is crucial when making decisions about your oral health. Consult with your dentist to determine the most suitable solution for your specific needs. Whether you're considering a dental bridge to replace missing teeth or a crown to restore a damaged tooth, these restorative options can help you achieve a healthier and more confident smile.

Clove Dental
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