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Connecting the Tindo Solar Panels

Ali Mughal
Connecting the Tindo Solar Panels

At this point, it is necessary to take the time to understand the overall diagram which follows to be well situated in the stages.

As a reminder, here is the color of the wires:

wire color electricity

L = Line: Brown

N = Neutral: Blue

Earth: Yellow and green

1 – The connections on the box

We start by making all the connections to the box. This allows you to work comfortably indoors before moving the box near the panels.

1a. Unused output: Note that the "Home Earth Output" will not be used in this configuration because the earthing is done through the electrical outlet. Attention, this is only valid for laying on the ground and only if the socket is protected by a 30 mA circuit breaker.

1b. Earth connection: We start by cutting a suitable length of wire (about 2m50 here). Then open the box by unlocking the 4 fasteners with a flat screwdriver.

Tindo Solar panel connection install yourself

1c. Connecting the AC cable to the “AC output”: To make this connection, a female connector is required. We start by separating the plastic cover from the connector using a flat screwdriver. It is then threaded along the AC cable.

Solar Panel in Australia

We then strip the AC cable and then the 3 wires that we plug in, respecting the order indicated. Attention, as it is a flexible wire, wire tips (not supplied) are necessary. Replace the plastic cover on the connector and connect to the box.

1d. Connecting the APS cable to the “AC Input”: Perform the same operation as before, except that a male connector is used.

2 - Fitting the male plug (socket)

This sheet is not provided, you have to get one in a DIY . We first strip the end of the AC cable so that the 3 wires are visible. Then we strip each wire about 8 mm .Then pass the AC cable through the male plug. As the cable is of large section, it will be necessary to saw off the end of the plug to adapt its diameter. Then connect the 3 wires to the plug, placing the ground wire in the middle. The order does not matter for the line and the neutral.

3 – Connections to the micro-inverter

At this stage, the box can be placed close to the rack and the micro-inverter.

3a. Connection to the panels: Simply connect the cables from the first panel to the inputs marked "1" on the micro-inverter and do the same for the second panel.

4 – Connections to the solar panels.

Only the ground wire remains to be connected to the panels. At its end, we “pinch” the quick-attach system of the first solar panel (no need to strip the wire).Solar panel earth connection .We proceed in the same way for the second solar panel which must be on the path of the ground wire.

Commissioning the photovoltaic system

Taking pictures: If you are a novice, we advise you to take pictures of all the connections and submit your installation to the technical department for assessment. Once the check-up has been carried out, all you have to do is activate the circuit breakers at the level of the box, close the tray and then plug in the socket. Attention, in this case, the box is placed temporarily. The standard requires that it be between 80 and 180 cm high on an incombustible support. Verification: To ensure that the installation is working, go to the Links meter. If there is sun, the instantaneous consumption must drop. Here it becomes zero. Mission accomplished, the solar panels cover the house's consumption well!

Install Tindo Solar Panel In Australia plugged into an outlet

At the level of the AC box, the led present on the energy meter must also flash and all the more quickly as the production is important. Disconnect the installation: The time to get in line with Endies.

Comply with regulations

Before you can take advantage of your self-installed installation Solar Panel in Australia, you must declare it to Endies, which distributes the electricity. This involves answering a detailed questionnaire which will probably require several attempts. The operation takes about 3 hours in total for a neophyte. Install Solar Panel Sydney yourself Endies declaration. Create a connection request by following these steps: Add a request > New connection > Generation only > Less than or equal to 36 kVA > .We strongly advise you to carry out a "simulation" before definitively sending the request. Here are some points to note:

Planning permission: None because the panels are less than 1m80 high .Cadastral reference: You will find your plot number on the government website .Injection option: Total self-consumption, reinjection tolerance up to 3 kwp .Consul: Not mandatory in this configuration because the kit is pre-wired. But it is necessary to provide a certificate of conformity of the inverter. Here, the APS YC600 model .Validation: The request is validated directly by Endies or by tacit agreement from 15 days after the submission of the file. You can now benefit from locally produced renewable electricity. Consider installation by a professional

Ali Mughal
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