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How Not to Adult: An Amusing Account of the Clown in the Mundane World

Artem Artemenko
How Not to Adult: An Amusing Account of the Clown in the Mundane World

Funny adulting tips

Being an adult can be tough and boring at times, so why not inject a little humor into your mundane activities? Here are some amusing adulting tips to make life a little more enjoyable:

1. Use a trampoline as a bed. Forget those boring, adult-sized mattresses – why not bounce your way into dreamland? Plus, it's a great way to work on your circus skills!

2. Have a "no pants" day. Who says you have to wear pants all the time? Embrace your inner child and spend a day in your favorite pajamas. Just make sure you're not expecting any important visitors!

3. Replace your boring office chair with a bean bag. Why sit in a stuffy chair when you can plop down on a comfy bean bag? It'll make your workday feel like a day at the carnival.

4. Turn grocery shopping into a race. Challenge yourself to see how quickly you can navigate the aisles and fill your cart. Bonus points if you can do it without crashing into any displays!

5. Use silly voices during serious conversations. Whether you're having a work meeting or a heart-to-heart with your significant other, throw in a goofy voice here and there to lighten the mood. Who doesn't love a little laughter?

6. Start a "to-do" list of ridiculous tasks. Instead of jotting down your usual chores, like paying bills or doing laundry, create a list of absurd tasks like training your goldfish to do backflips or teaching your pet rock how to roll over. It'll make you smile every time you look at it.

Amusing adulting fails

Let's face it – adulting doesn't always go as planned. Here are some funny and relatable stories of adulting fails:

1. The Laundry Mishap

I once attempted to do laundry like a responsible adult. Little did I know, I accidentally mixed a red sock with a load of whites. The result? Pink underwear for a week! Lesson learned: always double-check before hitting that start button.

2. The Cooking Catastrophe

One day, I decided to impress my friends with my culinary skills. I followed a recipe to the letter, or so I thought. Turns out, I mistook tablespoons for teaspoons and ended up serving a dish with enough salt to preserve a dinosaur! Needless to say, it wasn't a hit at the dinner party.

3. The Calendar Mix-Up

One morning, I woke up convinced it was Friday and gleefully shouted "TGIF!" as I made my way to work. It wasn't until I arrived at the office and saw everyone's puzzled faces that I realized it was actually Thursday. Talk about a premature celebration!

4. The Grocery Store Gauntlet

Ever tried juggling too many grocery bags and ended up dropping a carton of eggs? I certainly have! It's like a slapstick comedy routine where I play the clumsy protagonist. Thankfully, the supermarket janitor is used to my antics by now.

Humorous mundane encounters

Life is full of mundane encounters, but that doesn't mean they can't be hilarious. Here are a few funny anecdotes from my own mundane adventures:

1. The Elevator Antics

I stepped into an elevator with my hands full of work documents, desperately trying to keep them from toppling over. Just as the doors closed, I noticed a clown stepping in. Yes, a real clown! The next few moments were spent in an awkward dance of desperately avoiding eye contact while trying not to trip over my own paperwork. It was like a scene out of a sitcom.

2. The Stuck on Hold Saga

We've all experienced the frustration of being put on hold during a phone call. However, during one particularly long wait, I decided to pass the time by impersonating various fictional characters. From Darth Vader to Kermit the Frog, I entertained myself while waiting for an actual human to answer. I like to think I brought a smile to someone's face that day.

3. The Tight Shoe Situation

While attending a formal event, I realized my new shoes were a size too small. Determined not to let discomfort ruin my evening, I used every trick in the book to stretch them out. I even considered employing the services of a professional shoe stretcher but had to abandon the idea when they mentioned circus clowns as their main clientele.

I liked his smile

One day, as I was strolling down the street, feeling the weight of adult responsibilities on my shoulders, I noticed a man who seemed to defy the mundane nature of the world. He had an infectious smile that could brighten even the gloomiest of days. I couldn't resist striking up a conversation with this cheerful stranger.

Little did I know, I was about to embark on an adventure filled with laughter, unexpected surprises, and a newfound appreciation for the joy in everyday life.

When he was serious, I obviously was thinking he was joking

As I got to know this mysterious stranger, I discovered that his ability to bring humor into every situation was unparalleled. It amused me to no end when he would say something serious, and I would burst into laughter, thinking it was just another one of his jokes.

There was one particular incident that stands out in my memory. We were discussing the complexities of adulting – bills, stress, and all the other mundane responsibilities that seemed to suck the joy out of life. The man paused, looked me in the eye, and said, "You know, I've mastered the art of turning my laundry into interpretive dance. It's quite a sight to behold."

I burst into laughter, assuming he was just being his usual humorous self. But as I glanced at his expression, I realized he was dead serious. I couldn't help but join in his contagious laughter. In that moment, I understood that life shouldn't be taken too seriously, and finding humor in the mundane is a true art form.


After spending more time with the clown in the mundane world, I found myself addicted to his infectious laughter and whimsical outlook on life. Together, we embarked on a series of adventures where we turned ordinary tasks into extraordinary experiences.

We decided to host a dinner party with a twist – each guest had to come dressed as their favorite circus performer. The result was a hilarious mix of acrobats, clowns, and tightrope walkers devouring spaghetti while trying not to trip over their oversized shoes. It was a night full of laughter, joy, and a heightened appreciation for the beauty of silliness.

The clown taught me that adulting doesn't have to mean leaving behind the childlike wonder and humor. It's okay to be serious when necessary, but it's the ability to find joy in the everyday that truly makes life worth living.

So, next time you find yourself drowning in the mundaneness of adulthood, remember to embrace your inner clown. Laugh at your failures, find humor in the ordinary, and see the world through the eyes of a child. After all, life is a circus, and we're all just trying to find our place under the big top.

Artem Artemenko
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