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Top Tips for Caring for Dental Veneers and Crowns

My Riverhills Dentistry
Top Tips for Caring for Dental Veneers and Crowns

Dental veneer & crowns in Louisville are fantastic solutions for achieving that perfect smile you've always dreamed of. They can restore and enhance the appearance of your teeth, boosting your confidence and transforming your overall look. However, like any investment, they require proper care and maintenance to ensure their longevity and brilliance. 

Whether you're a seasoned veneer and crown owner or considering these treatments, here are some top tips to help you maintain your dazzling smile.

Follow Good Oral Hygiene Practices

Just because you have veneers or crowns doesn't mean you can slack on oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day with non-abrasive toothpaste and a soft-bristle toothbrush. Floss gently to remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth.

Choose Non-Abrasive Dental Products

Abrasive toothpaste or harsh dental products can scratch the surface of your veneers or crowns, causing them to lose their luster. Opt for mild, non-abrasive dental products to keep your restorations looking their best.

Avoid Staining Foods and Beverages

Veneers and crowns can resist staining to a certain extent, but they are not completely immune. Dark-colored foods and beverages like coffee, tea, red wine, and berries can cause discoloration over time. If you consume them by any chance, rinse your mouth with water properly.

Don't Use Your Teeth as Tools

Using your teeth to open packages or crack nuts is a big no-no. This can put unnecessary stress on your veneers or crowns and even cause them to chip or crack.

Wear a Mouthguard

If you're into sports or grind your teeth at night, consider wearing a mouthguard. This protective gear can prevent accidental damage to your dental restorations.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Continue visiting your Louisville dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings. Your dentist will inspect your veneers and crowns for any issues and ensure that your oral health is in top shape.

Address Teeth Grinding

If you have a habit of grinding your teeth, known as bruxism, you must let your dentist know about it. They might recommend a nightguard to prevent grinding-related damage to your dental restorations.

Be Cautious with Hot and Cold

Veneers and crowns can transmit temperature sensations differently than your natural teeth. Be cautious with extremely hot or cold foods and drinks to avoid discomfort.

Avoid Excessive Force

While veneers and crowns are designed to withstand normal chewing forces, they can be vulnerable to excessive force, especially when biting on hard objects. Be mindful of how you chew and avoid habits like nail biting or chewing on ice.

Promptly Address Issues

If you notice any changes in the fit, feel, or appearance of your veneers or crowns, don't hesitate to contact your dentist. Early intervention can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems.

By following these top tips, you can ensure that your dental veneer & crowns in Louisville remain a stunning and enduring investment in your smile. Remember, proper care and attention will keep your smile shining bright for years to come. River Hills Dentistry is the best place for you to get your dental treatments done. We specialize in a number of dental services that you can choose from on the basis of your requirements. 

My Riverhills Dentistry
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