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Brunel University's January 2024 Scholarships

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Brunel University's January 2024 Scholarships

Are you a Pakistani student aspiring to pursue higher education in the UK? Brunel University presents an exciting opportunity for you with its January 2024 scholarships. In this article, we'll explore two outstanding awards - the Vice Chancellor Excellence Award and the International Bursary Award - designed to make your academic dreams come true.

1. Vice Chancellor Excellence Award: £6,000 Off

Recognizing the value of academic excellence, Brunel University offers the Vice-Chancellor Excellence Award to Pakistani students holding a 2:1 equivalent. If you meet this criterion, you automatically qualify for a substantial £6,000 discount on your tuition fees. This scholarship not only acknowledges your commitment to education but also provides vital financial support for your academic journey.

2. International Bursary Award: £3,000 Discount

Even if you possess a 2:2 equivalent, Brunel University still values your dedication to learning. The International Bursary Award is tailored for students from Pakistan with a 2:2 equivalent, granting them an automatic £3,000 tuition fee discount. This initiative underscores the university's dedication to inclusivity and expanding educational opportunities.

A Streamlined Application Process

What sets these scholarships apart is their simplicity. Eligible students only need to ensure they complete their tuition fee payment within 28 days of receiving their offer letter. This straightforward procedure ensures that you can access these scholarships without unnecessary complexity.

Act Quickly - Deadline Looms

It's crucial to act promptly as the scholarship application deadline is November 30, 2023. To avail yourself of this incredible opportunity for financial assistance and quality education, ensure your application and payment are submitted on time.

Why Brunel University?

Brunel University is renowned for its commitment to excellence and innovation. Located in the vibrant city of London, it provides students with access to a wealth of resources, diverse cultural experiences, and abundant career opportunities.


Brunel University's January 2024 scholarships are your pathway to academic success and financial relief as a Pakistani student. Whether you hold a 2:1 equivalent or a 2:2 equivalent, there's a scholarship tailored to your needs. Don't let this chance slip away - meet the deadline, act swiftly, and commence your academic journey at Brunel University. Your future awaits!

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