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The Mimi Pouf in Boucle – Klekktic Dubai

Klekktic Furniture
The Mimi Pouf in Boucle  – Klekktic Dubai

The perfect and most simple addition to any room. A pouf or footstool in Boucle. 

Use for seating or as an extension of any seat in need of a footstool. 

Our Boucle material is made of a blend of wool, cotton and fibers that give it a plush and refined look. 

The Mimi Pouf in Boucle, offered by Klekktic Dubai, is a stunning addition to any interior space. Made with impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail, this pouf stands out for its unique design and premium quality. The Boucle fabric used for the upholstery adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the piece. Its luxurious texture and softness make it an ideal choice for those seeking comfort and style. Not only does the Mimi Pouf offer a visually appealing aesthetic, but it also serves a practical purpose. It provides extra seating or can be used as a footrest, making it a versatile addition to any room. Its compact size ensures it can be easily moved around and placed wherever needed. Furthermore, Klekktic Dubai prides itself on its commitment to sustainability and ethical production practices. The Mimi Pouf is produced using eco-friendly materials and methods, making it an environmentally conscious choice for discerning consumers. Overall, the Mimi Pouf in Boucle is an exquisite piece of furniture that combines an eye-catching design, premium materials, and versatility. It is a testament to Klekktic Dubai's dedication to providing high-quality and sustainable home decor options. For more information visit our website https://klekktic.com/

Klekktic Furniture
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