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What Role Does a Building Surveyor Play in Building Design, Construction, and Maintenance?

Alan Wood & Partners
What Role Does a Building Surveyor Play in Building Design, Construction, and Maintenance?

A Building surveyor’s job is to prepare and deliver structural reports of buildings and constructions. They provide professional advice regarding the condition of building elements, foundation settlement, flood damage, fire damage, etc. Building surveyors are well-versed in the potential factors that can affect buildings, such as building defects, renovations, alteration costs, extensions, and the design of new buildings. They prepare condition survey reports that help in the evaluation and identification of abnormal cost allowances. They ensure that the building project is completed within the stipulated time and gets completed within the budget.


With a keen eye for detail and efficient project management skills, building surveyors have extensive skills for working on building design and construction. A professional building surveyor will assess the condition of a building in no time, producing a report to advise the clients on adaptive designs, energy efficiency, cost-efficient construction, and historic value.


Who Are Civil Engineers, and What Are Their Functions?


Civil engineers are instrumental in creating, improving, and protecting the environment. They manage, plan, and design the construction and maintenance of buildings and infrastructures, such as roads, railways, tunnels, bridges, airports, dams, power plants, irrigation projects, and water and sewerage systems.


These are the functions and responsibilities of a civil engineer: -

·        Drainage – They develop and practice sustainable drainage solutions (SUDS) to control flooding, minimise pollution, achieve acceptable run-off flows, recharge groundwater, and, lastly, enhance the environment and public amenities.

·        Ground Investigations – They design, commission and supervise all aspects of land assessment and investigation for residential, commercial and industrial end-use.

·        Earthworks – They work to eliminate the import and export of bulk earthwork materials to reduce the impact it can have on land acquisition, construction, operation and maintenance.

·        Housing Design & Development – They focus on residential development sites of ranging size and complexity to develop best value solutions that have less impact on the environment, customised to the site constraints, for roads and drainage.

·        Marine – Civil engineers understand the complex nature of marine infrastructure and its development and help in the development of docks and harbours, marinas, jetties, mooring facilities, ro-ro berths, port facilities, pontoons, breakwaters, dredging, bulk handling, port pavements and materials handling and conveying.

Alan Wood & Partners
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