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Real estate commission for selling a home in Singapore

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Comprehending the expenses associated with property sales is vital since they might constitute a substantial financial undertaking. The Real Estate Commission is among the most important factors to take into account. Real estate brokers are essential in Singapore, as they are in many other countries, to assist you in selling your home. In this blog, we'll go over everything you need to know about real estate commissions when selling a house in Singapore. They are paid via a commission charge.

The Typical Commission Structure

The standard real estate commission structure in Singapore is based on a portion of your property's ultimate sale price. Though it might fluctuate, the commission percentage typically ranges from 1% to 2% of the sale price. To prevent confusion later on, it's crucial to discuss the commission rate in detail with your selected real estate agent before signing any contracts.

Negotiation is Possible

Although commission rates often fall within a range, it's crucial to remember that these figures are subject to change. Due to the intense competition in Singapore's real estate market, agents can be open to compromising on their commission rates in exchange for your listing. But remember, the commission should be commensurate with the level of knowledge and services you anticipate from the agent.

Exclusive vs. Open Listings

In Singapore, you'll come across two primary listing types: exclusive and open listings.

·        Exclusive Listing: If you choose to work with a single real estate agent or firm, that is all you do. Since the agent will be managing the sale from beginning to end, the commission will usually be higher than it would be for an open listing. But the agent's commitment to your home frequently means a speedier and more effective sale.

·        Open Listing: You can work with several agencies or agents to sell your house at the same time when you use an open listing. In this case, the commission is solely due to the agent who successfully closes a deal. With an open listing, the commission might be less, but the sale of the property might take longer.

GST on Commission

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is levied in Singapore on real estate commissions. The GST rate was 7% in 2022, the year I last updated my information. You should include this extra expense when figuring out how much commission you will pay overall.

Additional Costs

Sellers should take into account other expenditures related to the sale, such as marketing charges, appraisal fees, and legal fees, in addition to the regular commission. It's critical to have a clear grasp of your financial responsibilities throughout the selling process because these additional costs might mount up.

Assess the Services Offered

It's important to take the caliber of services provided into account when negotiating commission rates with prospective real estate agents. A knowledgeable and experienced agent may be able to justify a somewhat higher commission by successfully marketing your home, securing the best price, and handling the paperwork with professionalism.

Paperwork and Transparency

Make sure you fully understand all terms and conditions, including the commission schedule, before signing any agreements with a real estate agent. In real estate deals, transparency is essential to a successful collaboration.

Market Conditions

Commission rates are influenced by the state of the market. When there is strong demand, agents may be more willing to bargain for reduced commission rates in a seller's market. In a buyer's market where there is a lot of competition and a large supply of properties, negotiating lower prices may be more difficult.


Selling your house is a big financial decision, so it's important to know how Singapore's Real Estate Commission system works in order to make wise decisions. To choose the finest real estate agent and commission plan for your requirements and objectives, don't forget to do your homework, ask plenty of questions, and carefully weigh your possibilities.

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