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Company Formation in Krakow in 2023-24

Monika Odint

company formation in Krakow in 2023-24. Therefore, it's crucial to verify the latest information from official sources or seek advice from legal and business professionals who are updated on the current regulations. However, I can provide you with a general guide based on the information available up to my last update.

Company Formation in Krakow, Poland: A General Guide

1. Research and Planning:

  • Conduct thorough research on the business environment in Krakow, including market conditions, competition, and legal requirements.
  • Define your business structure (e.g., limited liability company, joint-stock company) based on your business goals.

2. Legal Requirements:

  • Verify the legal requirements and regulations for company formation in Poland. Key documents typically include articles of association, a notarial deed, and proof of share capital.

3. Choose a Business Name:

  • Select a unique and acceptable business name. Confirm its availability and compliance with naming regulations.

4. Notarial Deed:

  • Draft and sign a notarial deed, which is a legal document containing the company's articles of association and information about shareholders.

5. Share Capital:

  • Contribute the required share capital to the company's bank account. The minimum share capital may vary depending on the chosen business structure.

6. Register the Company:

  • Register the company in the National Court Register (Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy) through the appropriate registry court.

7. Tax Registration:

  • Obtain a tax identification number (NIP) and register for Value Added Tax (VAT) if your business meets the relevant criteria.

8. Social Security and Health Insurance:

  • Ensure compliance with social security and health insurance requirements for employees.

9. Banking and Financial Matters:

  • Open a business bank account in Poland for your company's financial transactions.

10. Business Permits and Licenses:

- Check if your business requires any specific permits or licenses to operate legally in Krakow. The requirements may vary based on the industry.

11. Accounting and Reporting:

- Set up accounting procedures and ensure compliance with reporting requirements.

12. Seek Professional Advice:

- Consider consulting with local legal and business professionals to ensure compliance with current regulations and to receive tailored advice based on your specific business needs.


Please note that the information provided is a general guide, and specific details may have changed after my last update. Always consult with local authorities or professionals in Krakow to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information for company formation in 2023-24.

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Monika Odint
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