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Bond Cleaning Hacks That You Should Avoid

GS Bond Cleaning
Bond Cleaning Hacks That You Should Avoid

While vacating a property you are supposed to return it in the same condition as it was provided to you at the beginning. In other words, the property should be clean up to a very high standard and should meet the real estate’s standards and professional End of Lease Cleaning Adelaide.


At this point in time, you might get an idea to use those Bond Cleaning Adelaide hacks that you saw the other day over the internet. No wonder today we have access to a waste sea of information through the device we use such as smartphones, pcs and laptops.


But before going further with any of the End of Lease Cleaning Adelaide hacks you saw over the internet it is very important to verify the credibility of that piece of advice. Of course, the information available over the internet makes our life better by providing us with ideas and knowledge.


There are a lot of End of Lease Cleaning Adelaide hacks available on the internet today but most of them turn out to be bogus when you try them out practically. But that doesn’t mean that all of them are useless. Yes, some of them actually turn out to be useful.


You cannot deny that the internet is full of false news/tips/tricks that are not worth your time. There are many internet tricks that promise to be effective but turn out to be a total waste of time and energy.


It is highly recommended to hire only professionals for deep and thorough End of Lease Cleaning Adelaide of your rental property at the end of your lease. But, in case you have decided to take things in your own hands, we have a list of things that you should avoid doing while cleaning your rental property.


1.   Using Magic Eraser To Remove Stains In The Toilet Bowl


Magic eraser is a wonderful tool when it comes to removing dust and grime from different surfaces. It acts like sandpaper against those tough stains when used with proper efforts.

Some internet hacks claim that the same tool can be used to remove the stains from toilet bowl efficiently. But, the hack turns out to be more of a waste of time and energy when implemented practically.


So, you should save your precious time and stay away from this useless hack. Instead, you can use a simple solution of vinegar and warm water to clean the toilet bowl.


Apply the prepared solutions thoroughly all over inside the toilet bowl and leave it overnight. In the morning all you need to do is scrub the stains with a toilet brush and rinse over with water. This will give you a sparkling result!


For an effortless and sparkling cleaning output, you can hire trained professionals from End of Lease Cleaning Adelaide.


2.   Placing A Lemon Wedge Inside The Dishwasher


This cleaning hack claims to make your dishes shining clean with only placing a wedge of lemon inside your dishwasher while washing the dishes. But in reality, it is only useful for creating a pleasant smell and it doesn’t make any difference with the cleaning of the dishes.

Instead of this, you will need a good detergent to remove those stains and splatter from your dishes.


3.   Using Cola As Toilet Cleaner


You might have heard about this cleaning hack a lot over the internet. But have you ever tried it out by yourself? If your answer is no then we will recommend you to not to try this out.

Cola contains phosphoric acid and citric acid which has the ability to remove rust stains but it is not a good idea to pour cola in your toilet. Once you are done cleaning your toilet with the cola and it has dried up, your toilet will start getting sticky, the yellow stains will still be there and it might attract the ants as well.


To remove those stains from your toilet bowl you should only use biodegradable and non-toxic cleaning products. You will be able to come up with a better cleaning output with this and it will help you maintain a clean toilet.


Hiring trained cleaning professionals from End of Lease Cleaning Adelaide come with another perk that they have many brilliant cleaning techniques and knowledge.


4.   Using White Vinegar As All-Purpose Cleaner


There is no doubt in saying that white vinegar works as a wonderful cleaning product when it comes to house cleaning. It can be used on most of the surfaces and objects to achieve a good cleaning output.


But that does not mean that it can be used on everything and every surface. We will not say that this cleaning hack is useless but saying its usage is limited to some particular stuff and you should not use it on everything will be more appropriate.


Using white vinegar can damage the rubber seal, electronic appliances and any protective layer or polish present on your furniture. You should never use white vinegar on waxed furniture, granite and marble floors, hardwood floors, dishwashers and greasy surfaces.

When you hire professionals from Bond Cleaning Adelaide, they come with an assurance of high-quality cleaning output and no damage to the rental property.


5.   Mixing Chlorine And Bleach


Many cleaning hacks on the internet will instruct you to mix chlorine with bleach to create a cleaning solution. This combination can turn to be lethal for you as it can cause irritation in your eyes and skin.


You should always read the caution or instructions of the product before mixing two different cleaning products. As by doing this you might end up risking your health and safety.

For a safe and hygienic cleaning output always hire trained professionals from End of Lease Cleaning Adelaide.


6.   Toothpaste For Scratch Removal From Glass


The internet is flooded with information and there is no doubt in saying that one can easily fall prey to such false information. Another false cleaning hack that has been seen circulating the internet is using toothpaste to remove scratches from the glasses.


We highly recommend staying away from such false tricks and information as it is only a waste of time. If you use this trick then you might end up damaging the protective layer of your glasses and they might catch more dirt then before.


Keeping all the above factors in mind you should only hire experienced professionals from Bond Cleaning Adelaide for a reliable cleaning output.

GS Bond Cleaning
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