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Overcoming Genetic Hair Loss: All You Need To Know

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Overcoming Genetic Hair Loss: All You Need To Know


It’s disheartening, from the day you felt happy with your head full of hair to coming to this point when you type that question into Google.

How To Treat Genetic Hair Loss?

Whether it’s short or long, healthy and fuller hair makes the person feel happy, beautiful, and powerful. On the contrary, suffering from hair loss can be a helpless feeling. 

A large percentage of men and women experience some form of hair loss after crossing or reaching their 20s. There are many factors that can be the cause of hair loss — but Genetic Hair Loss plays a significant role.

Fortunately, you have come to the right place. We have brought you a complete guide on Genetic Hair Loss: what it is, the reasons behind it, and popular treatments to treat Genetic hair loss.

What Is Genetic Hair Loss?

Regardless of gender, genetic hair loss can affect both males and females. According to statistics, genetic hair loss affects almost 50% of males and 40% of females as they grow older.

Also known as androgenetic alopecia, hair loss due to genetics can occur in a predictable pattern which is mainly referred to as Male Pattern Baldness(MPB) and Female Pattern Baldness(FPB). 

Genetic hair loss is generally related to the androgen hormone, which plays an important role in regulating hair growth in both males and females. Increased levels of androgen can affect hair follicles and reduce hair growth cycle.

To dive deep, every human body has cells for proper functioning, and these cells carry Genes in the cell nucleus. These genes i.e. DNA have input from both mother and father and also from previous generations. 

While there can be many factors affecting the health of the person though family history is a major player. Androgenetic hair loss is also one of the problems that can be caused by genetic history.

Androgen (testosterone) hormones are produced by gonads and adrenal glands. These hormones, when converted to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), are responsible for the miniaturization of hair in genetically prone persons.

For More Information : Overcoming Genetic Hair Loss

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