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Plan Your Asset Distribution and Write a Will in Singapore!

Plan Your Asset Distribution and Write a Will in Singapore!

In the midst of life's hustle and bustle, contemplating what happens after our departure often take s a back seat. Yet, neglecting to create a will can yield serious consequences, potentially resulting in your assets falling into government hands.

If you're urgently seeking a will writing service in Singapore, fret not; we've compiled crucial information to assist you through this process.

Understanding the Stakes

Under the Intestate Succession Act, the absence of a valid will upon your passing, coupled with no surviving relatives, may lead to the government claiming your assets. Taking proactive steps in planning your will is crucial to prevent this scenario.

Before diving into the realm of will writing services, consider the following steps to streamline the process:

Gather Personal Information:

  • Collect the names and identification numbers of your beneficiaries.

Appoint Guardians:

  • Designate guardians to manage assets on behalf of beneficiaries under 21.

Appoint an Executor:

  • Choose a responsible individual (a beneficiary, friend, relative, or professional executor) to execute your will.

List Your Assets and Beneficiaries:

  • Catalog all your assets, including bank account numbers and insurance policies.
  • Specify the amount and nature of assets designated for each beneficiary.

List Your Liabilities:

  • Detail how you wish for your debts to be settled before asset distribution.

Validating Your Will

Creating a valid will involves adhering to specific criteria:

Age Requirement:

  • You must be at least 21 years old.

In Writing:

  • A will should be handwritten or typed.


  • The document requires your signature at the bottom.


  • Two witnesses, unrelated to beneficiaries, must be present and willing to testify.

Where Can I Write My Will?

Write It Yourself:

  • Cost: Free
  • Remarks: Challenging due to legal terminologies; suitable for those familiar with legal terms.

Online Will Writing Services:

  • Providers: NobleWills (Best in among all)
  • Fees: Varying, with some free options
  • Remarks: Quick and convenient; some offer unlimited edits within specific timeframes.

Wills Lawyer:

  • Cost: $500 and above
  • Remarks: Ideal for complex situations; legal advice from qualified professionals.

In The End

The process of writing a will is a pivotal step in ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Whether you choose a DIY approach, utilize online services, or seek legal advice, meticulous planning is key.

As we invest time in accumulating assets, dedicating some time to plan their distribution is a responsible and considerate act toward our loved ones.

If you're considering creating a will in Singapore, connect with NobleWills today. We have the best will writers in Singapore, ensuring the utmost accuracy and adherence to Singaporean laws. 

Visit our site and contact our experts at www.noblewills.com/en-sg/ today!

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