Women’s health and feminine hygiene is very essential to avoid the risk of certain diseases. Menstruation, most commonly known as “period” is a natural biological process experienced by every woman around the world.
Menstruation is very important for any woman, it’s a major factor in helping women get pregnant. When a woman goes through a menstrual cycle every month, it helps the eggs in your ovaries to mature. When eggs are mature, it means they are ready to be fertilized if they come in contact with a sperm. In short, you will be pregnant.
9 Hygiene Tips for Menstrual Health
We have curated a list of essential tips to maintain good menstrual health and feminine hygiene.
- Sanitary Pads: Change your sanitary pads every few hours. Using one sanitary pad for more than six hours is not good for women’s health. Change pads more frequently if you have heavy periods.
- Tampons: If you use tampons, then they should be changed every 4-8 hours. It can disrupt feminine hygiene if you keep it inside for more than 8 hours.
- Menstrual Cups: Sanitisation of a menstrual is very important. Before (the first day of your menstrual cycle) and after (the last day of your menstrual cycle) using it, keep it in hot water for 4-5 minutes. Usually, a menstrual cup can be inside your body for more than 8-10 hours. After that, you need to remove it, wash it with water or a mild soap, and put it inside again.
- Drink Water: Drinking water is important for overall health as well as menstrual health. The right amount of water in the body can help keep your urinary tract clean and will keep diseases away.
- Wash Your Hands: Washing your hands before going to the washroom or using a menstrual product is very essential. It helps in maintaining feminine hygiene and overall women’s health.
- Keep Your Genital Area Clean: Cleanliness of your genital area is of utmost importance. Several diseases can occur if your genital area is not clean. Diseases like UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections) cause itches and rashes.
- Wear Loose Clothes: Wearing tight-fitted clothes during menstruation can cause bad odor and can keep the moisture and heat trapped giving way to germs. So it is recommended to wear loose, lightweight, and breathable clothes during menstruation.
- Track Your Menstrual Cycle: It is crucial to monitor your monthly menstrual cycle. By doing this you will know if you have irregular periods, which can lead to problems like Thyroid, Diabetes, and Celiac disease.
- Visit Your Doctor: You are not the expert on menstrual health. So an annual body checkup can be beneficial to maintain overall women’s health and feminine hygiene.
Lack of Access to Menstrual Supplies
Though there’s so much awareness about menstrual health, there are still some rural areas where a woman’s menstrual hygiene is compromised. For some people, it’s still taboo to talk about menstruation.
Women in rural areas are not given the basic supplies they need during their menstruation. Due lack of adequate facilities and lack of access to menstrual supplies compromises their menstrual health as well as overall health. Plus the lack of information can lead to unhygienic menstrual practices.
Women need basic facilities like water, and sanitary supplies to maintain their feminine health. A few government NGOs have come forth to make women in rural areas more aware of menstrual health. They even provide sanitary supplies to women for free.
Why is Menstrual Health Important?
Won’t you feel good if your body is hydrated and free of toxins, likewise when your genital area is clean and you take proper care of your feminine hygiene, you will feel good about your overall health.
Women’s health needs to maintain proper feminine hygiene and there’s nothing major to do. All you have to do is clean your genital area with water every time you go to the washroom. Change your sanitary pads and tampons after a few hours, even if you have a light flow.
Education on Menstrual Health
Correct guidance is required. We live in a modern society, and still, we are never taught about menstrual health in schools and colleges. A proper education guide must be provided to women as well as men on how to maintain women’s menstrual health.
Every school in rural as well as urban areas must spread awareness about menstrual health, the use of menstrual supplies, and how to use them. Proper disposal of used pads and tampons is necessary.
We hope you get a good idea about menstrual health and feminine hygiene through our blog. We have mentioned all the essential tips to maintain proper menstrual hygiene.
Not only menstrual hygiene but taking care of overall health is also very important. So make sure you are following the tips from above and staying clean and healthy.