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How Much Do Collection Agencies Cost to Collect Debts?

Dazonn Assist
How Much Do Collection Agencies Cost to Collect Debts?


When you find yourself dealing with unpaid debts, collection agencies can step in to help recover the money owed. But how much do these agencies charge for their services? In this blog post, we’ll explore the costs associated with hiring a collection agency and shed light on the different pricing models.

1. Contingency Payment Model:

Most collection agencies now operate on a contingency payment model. Here’s how it works:

No Upfront Fees: Collection agencies won’t charge you upfront. Instead, they earn their fees based on successful debt collection.

Percentage-Based Fees: The fees typically range from 20% to 35% of the total amount of debt collected per account12. This means that if they successfully recover a debt, they take a percentage of that amount as their fee.

2. Factors Influencing Costs:

Several factors impact the cost of hiring a collection agency:

Volume of Business: Agencies may adjust their fees based on the volume of accounts you provide. Larger volumes might lead to more favorable rates.

Debt Amount: The total amount of debt to be collected plays a significant role. Agencies may charge differently for small debts versus large ones.

Complexity of Debt: Some debts are harder to collect than others. Agencies may charge higher fees for challenging cases.

3. Flat Fees and Other Models:

While the contingency model is prevalent, some agencies offer alternative pricing structures:

Flat Fees: A few agencies charge a fixed fee upfront to take on a specific number of accounts. This approach suits businesses with predictable debt volumes.

Hybrid Models: Some agencies combine flat fees with a percentage of collected debt. This hybrid model provides flexibility.

4. Protecting Your Bottom Line:

Before hiring a collection agency, consider the following:

Research: Compare agencies and their fee structures. Look for transparency and reliability.

Negotiate: Don’t hesitate to negotiate fees. Some agencies may be open to adjusting their rates.

Legal Compliance: Ensure the agency adheres to debt collection laws and regulations.


Collection agencies play a crucial role in recovering outstanding debts, but understanding their costs is essential. By choosing the right agency and fee structure, you can protect your financial interests while pursuing debt recovery.

Remember, each situation is unique, so explore your options and make an informed decision.

Dazonn Assist
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