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How to Apply New Biologique Recherche Serum Teinte for Best Results?

Paul Labrecque
How to Apply New Biologique Recherche Serum Teinte for Best Results?

The new Serum Teinté comes in a range of shades designed to match different skin tones and undertones. Here's what all you need to know before buying the new Biologique Recherche Serum Teinte. 

  • Shade Range: There are 10 shades available, divided into two categories based on undertones: 
  • Cool Colors (pink undertones): 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, and 5C. 
  • Warm Colors (golden undertones): 1W, 2W, 3W, 4W, and 5W. 
  • Preparation: It's recommended to use your regular cream before applying the Serum Teinté. This product complements your skincare routine but does not replace your moisturizer. 
  • Application: Apply the Serum Teinté onto clean and dry skin using your fingers, a brush, or a beauty blender. Spread it evenly from the center to the outside of the face, neck, and décolleté for a natural finish. 
  • Amount: The amount of Serum Teinté to use depends on your skin type and desired coverage. Start with a small amount and build up coverage as needed. 
  • Concealing: The Serum Teinté can be used to conceal blemishes and imperfections without clogging pores. 
  • Eye Contour: While there are no contraindications, it's recommended to use the Eye Care Concealer for the delicate eye contour area. 
  • Order of Application: Apply the Serum Teinté after your Finishing Serum and before sunscreen. 
  • Choosing Shade: Consider both your skin tone and undertone when selecting a shade. Samples are available to test different shades. 
  • Recycling: Paper components can be recycled in the yellow trash can, while glass components should be recycled in the green trash can designated for glass. Empty packaging does not need to be washed before recycling. 

For further information or Biologique Recherche Serum Teinte purchase visit us today!

Paul Labrecque
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