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PR Consultant in Mohali, Chandigarh, Punjab

Global Guide Visa Consultants
PR Consultant in Mohali, Chandigarh, Punjab

Here at Global Guide Visa Consultants, we assist the PR in selecting the country most appropriate for them according to their interest and requirements offer an enormous range of educational opportunities. There are number of course to choose from at various levels. PR Consultant in Mohali, Chandigarh, Punjab

Global Guide Visa Consultants Opc Pvt. Ltd., a locally incorporated and registered company, was founded by Lucas Scott & Parry Sandhu. It is a one-stop solution for all your immigration and visa needs. We're the company of professionals, doers and adventurous souls. We're passionate about our clients and their needs. We're here to make your dreams come true!

At Global Guide, you will find an experienced and highly qualified team. As one of the World's successful Immigration and Overseas Education consultancy company, Global Guide is built on a legacy of delivering excellence because of the industry's in-depth knowledge, world-class infrastructure and comprehensive resettlement package consisting of tourist, study, work, immigration, placement and settlement services.

Selecting the right study destination

We understand the dilemma that a student goes through once he decided to go abroad for his higher studies. Here at Global Guide Visa Consultants, we assist the student in selecting the country most appropriate for them according to their interest and requirements. United kingdom offer an enormous range of educational opportunities. There are number of course to choose from at various levels.

Selecting the right courses and institutions

This is a very crucial decision and should not be rushed. It is very important for the student to be very happy with the choice of course and the institution he has made. At Global Guide Visa Consultants we ensure that students are able to identify the institutions offering courses which closely meet their present and long term aims and develop their potential. We provide extensive counseling to the prospective student regarding different courses and institutions option available.

Advice for scholarships

In addition to scholarships offered by educational institutions themselves, there are several other sources that may be considered for funding the education. Your friendly counsellors at Global Guide Visa Consultants would guide you on how to apply for a scholarship.





  • Phone: +91-8284-999-333, 0172-2220222
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Address: SCO 7, Phase 5, Mohali, Sector 59,
  • Tricity Chandigarh, Punjab, INDIA - 160059

Global Guide Visa Consultants
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