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Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

Global Guide Visa Consultants
Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

Guide Visa Consultants we ensure that students are able to identify the institutions offering courses which closely meet their present and long term aims and develop their potential. We provide extensive counseling to the prospective student regarding different courses and institutions option available.Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

Global Guide Visa Consultants Opc Pvt. Ltd., a locally incorporated and registered company, was founded by Lucas Scott & Parry Sandhu. It is a one-stop solution for all your immigration and visa needs. We’re the company of professionals, doers and adventurous souls. We’re passionate about our clients and their needs. We’re here to make your dreams come true!

At Global Guide, you will find an experienced and highly qualified team. As one of the World’s successful Immigration and Overseas Education consultancy company, Global Guide is built on a legacy of delivering excellence because of the industry’s in-depth knowledge, world-class infrastructure and comprehensive resettlement package consisting of tourist, study, work, immigration, placement and settlement services.

Global Guide has been awarded many different national and international awards for many consecutive years for the exceptionally high level of services offered.

Our team includes qualified immigration lawyers, accredited immigration consultants, ex-immigration & visa officers, attorneys, EB-5 specialists, expert career counselors and highly experienced temporary residency and permanent residency visa counsellors to help our clients secure visas, guaranteeing our rate of success continues to be excellent with the highest levels of service. We are proud of our reputation for responsiveness and superior services. We are a licensed consultancy company approved by the Govt. of Punjab and also registered with the Govt. of India.

Our company works in association with many ICCRC Canada and MARA Australia members. Backed by strong processing caliber and expert consultants, each case of ours is evaluated and processed as per updated regulatory framework.

In last, we would just say –


Schedule a free consultation with one of Global Guide’s Visa expert today. (Click here to affix your appointment or call us now)

Global Guide Visa Consultants
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