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Leading University Risk Management Tools | SECTARA

Leading University Risk Management Tools | SECTARA

Leverage a suite of professional university risk management solutions designed to help universities identify, mitigate, and monitor potential functional, operational, financial, reputational, and compliance risks.

Today, universities and other higher education institutions face a plethora of challenges including increased regulatory clampdown from regulatory bodies such as TEQSA, ASQA, the US Department of Education, OfS, and QAA, scrutiny by the public on student selection, tuition fees, and governing procedures, and credit and financial situations. 

These risks have put a lot of educational institutions at risk of closure, with studies reporting nearly 20% of four-year colleges in the US facing operations risks. 

That’s why we designed SECTARA to provide universities and other higher education institutions with the tools needed to detect and mitigate these challenges and create a stable and safe environment for students, staff and faculty.

How Can SECTARA Help Educational Institutions With University Risk Management And Assessments?

Educational institutions play a crucial role in educating the leaders and thinkers of tomorrow, but they face unique challenges that can hinder their ability to provide high-quality education to all students. These risks need to be addressed proactively to create a safe and secure environment for faculty and students.

Enhance Campus Security

  • Proactively identify threats by deploying advanced tools to analyse data from incident reports, access control systems and security cameras.
  • Optimise incident response protocols by evaluating the effectiveness of existing procedures like active shooter drills.

Discover how university risk management tools can help universities help detect, monitor, and address potential risk vectors Click here for more details

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