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Defence Industry Security Risk Assessments | SECTARA

Defence Industry Security Risk Assessments | SECTARA

Minimise critical project security risks and establish your company as a trusted Defence Industry security partner. Defence Industry is routinely targeted for its sensitive and classified information, and according to the 2023 Insider Threat Report, 74% of all defence organisations are at least moderately vulnerable to insider threats and data leaks.

Broader risk exposure requires a holistic approach to identification, mitigation, monitoring and management of security threats and risks. SECTARA’s approach is purpose designed for Defence Industry and can be applied to any scope within the enterprise and supply chain.

Minimise Insider Threats And Risks

  • Assess risks associated with privileged access and role-based permissions, and assign treatments to mitigate them.
  • Identify and assess fraud, espionage, sabotage and other insider threat vectors, and coordinate project/enterprise-wide strategies to address them.
  • Achieve enormous productivity gains through documenting and applying threat actor and act, asset and control library content to each new assessment.

Improve Collaboration And Communication

  • Communicate securely with team members by taking advantage of military-grade encryption and in-assessment feedback functionality.
  • Leverage collaborative risk assessment tools to identify, monitor, and mitigate security risks in partnership with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Utilise visual analytics to communicate the severity, scope, and likelihood of potential security risk vectors and their impact on defence projects.

Organisations operating in the defence industry are often at high risk of a variety of data leaks, service disruptions, and other internal and external threats. The need for a risk management plan that addresses this wide range of threats is a necessity to ensure sensitive information is not compromised.

Discover how SECTARA efficiently delivers security risk assessments in defence industry Click here for more information.

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