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Trademark Registration Process in India

vivek ranjan
Trademark Registration Process in India

Registration Of Indian Trademark - A Quick Guide

Brands and logos are used to differentiate your products from those of your competitors. Trademarks are legal terms for "Intellectual Property". As an intangible asset, a trademark protects your investment in building customer trust and loyalty. It is the unique identity of your business, product, or service. Trademarks are your business's intellectual property/intangible asset. By registering your trademark, you can sue anyone who copies it or uses a similar trademark to yours.

What types of Trademarks can be Registered?

Your brand image can be protected by a trademark. To Register a Brand, you must determine which aspects of your brand stand out to your customers.



  1. Product Name: Trademarks can be applied to product names. Apple's iPod is a trademarked product name
  2.  Business Name: It is most common to register businesses' names as trademarks, for example Bajaj.
  3.  Person's Name/Surname: If you want to generate revenue from your name, you can trademark it. For example, Shahrukh Khan has trademarked his name.
  4.  Abbreviation: Companies or brands may be registered as trademarks by abbreviating their name, such as BMW


Symbols And Logos


Logo Registration is more easily remembered by customers than names, so trademarking your logo is highly recommended. Nike's swoosh is one of the most well-known trademarks ever.

The Tagline


Brands can also trademark their taglines, which can be a great way to communicate to consumers what their brand is all about. For instance, KFC has the tagline "It's finger lickin' good”.


 An Official Certification Mark


The proprietor issues a sign indicating the origin, substance, quality, or other specifics of the product. The main purpose of certification is to ensure that a product has passed standardized tests to ensure quality and to provide the buyer with assurance. Packaging, toys, and electronics often display certification marks.


Other Options


Color Mark: The trademarking of a color or combination of colors (For instance, Cadbury trademarked blue color).


Sound Mark: Musical notes or sounds can be trademarked if they can be proven to be distinctive. Nokia has trademarked its tune.


The Scent Mark: Even scents can be trademarked.

How do i Register a Trademark in India?

Online Trademark Registration involves many processes and Government follow-ups:

1.   Trademarks search:

As soon as our experts receive the basic information about the trademark and the industry you operate in, they will conduct a thorough search in the trademark database to determine if it is available. Once you have chosen an available trademark, we will move forward.


2.   Collecting documents and selecting classes:

Our experts will guide you through selecting the right class(es) that cover all aspects of your business, so you don't have to worry about choosing the wrong class(es). Using your dashboard, you can upload all the necessary documents simultaneously to register your trademark.


3.   Trademark Application:


The trademark application form will be completed on your behalf and submitted along with the documents after you upload all the required documents. Our team will make sure the application is error-free and accurate.


We As the registration process progresses, we will keep you updated throughout the We will keep you updated throughout the We will keep you updated throughout the We will keep you updated throughout the TM symbol is now available for use. We will keep you updated throughout the process and keep you posted until the registration is completed by the Trademark Registry.


4.   Trademarks Objections (Occasionally):

We will assist you in preparing a strong objection response and provide instructions on submitting the necessary documents and proofs if the examiner has any questions about your trademark application.

5.   Trademarks to be opposed (if necessary):


/Alternatively, a third party may oppose your application. In that case, you must submit a counterstatement to the Registrar explaining why the opposition is invalid. The Registrar may dismiss the opposition or set a hearing date based on your response.

Why is Trademark Registration important?

The following reasons make trademark registration important and necessary for a business:

  • Through it, you can showcase your Identity.

  • It allows you to build trust and loyalty among your customers.

  • With it, you can protect your brand's identity.

  • Assets themselves have value.

  • With Trademark, it is possible to protect your brand's identity from getting misuse.


If you have any queries related to the Trademark Registration Process, we at Compliance Calendar can help you with your Trademark Registration Process.

vivek ranjan
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