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Choosing the Right Surveyor

Choosing the Right Surveyor

If you’re buying a house or managing a construction project, you need property assessments.


And for professional property assessments – you need surveyors.


But how do you find one you can be sure of?



Surveying services could be:


●    full building surveys

●    valuation

●    project management

●    topographic surveys


Find one with a strong record of experience in the area of your needs.


Licensing and Certification


If you need a Level 2 HomeBuyer Survey or a Valuation Report, you should only hire a chartered surveyor who is regulated by the RICS.


Any experienced surveyor should be able to do more in-depth tests like a Level 3 survey.


Accreditations from groups like CIOB or RPSA are not required, but they can be helpful, especially for specialized surveys.


Equipment and Technology


The tools and technology a surveyor uses can have a big impact on how well and accurately they do their job.


Precision measurements and in-depth site analyses can be made with high-tech tools like GPS systems and drones, which are necessary for thorough project planning.




Choose a surveyor who can articulate the findings of the survey in plain, understandable language.


This is particularly important when you need to discuss potential issues identified in the report.




Always ask for references from past clients.


This is first-hand information that’ll show you how reliable, professional, and skilled the surveyor is.


Finding a Surveyor


Online and Local Directories


You can use websites like Survey Merchant to find qualified surveyors in your area.


Local business directories are also a good resource providing contact details and service descriptions.


Professional Associations


View the surveyor's membership in well-known professional groups such as the Residential Property Surveyors Association (RPSA), the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), or the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB).


Membership in these bodies shows a commitment to professional standards.


These are some things to keep in mind when you’re looking for a surveyor with good experience and credibility in areas where you need help.

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