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How Do You Potty Train Your French Bulldog Puppies?

How Do You Potty Train Your French Bulldog Puppies?

French Bulldog puppies are clever, thus making toilet training simple. But it is dependent on the strategy you take and your capacity to wait. Many Frenchies associate going to the toilet outdoors with receiving a lot of goodies and compliments, which means they do it to earn favors.

But not all of them care for it and choose to stay inside. You may find them peeing inside but not doing it when they are outdoors. It is because they do not understand, or, let's say, they are habituated to the training.  

In this article, you will learn about the techniques to train your pups for toilets! Let’s poop in!

What Is The Right Time To Start Potty Training?

The ideal moment to start potty training your French Bulldog is right after you bring them home. If you bought the puppy from BlueHaven French Bulldogs, then you can start the training immediately. If the French Bulldog puppy is between 6 and 8 weeks old, you can start. 

It is recommended that you teach your puppy good behaviors within the initial couple of weeks of settling in. 

Steps You Must Take in Order to Train Your Puppy

  • The Toilet Area

Aside from developing a potty habit, you also need to establish a toilet training area. Select a suitable spot in your home and make sure it is easily accessible, as they might get confused if you keep it too far or complicated from their reach. It is recommended that a room next to the Frenchie is the best option, or if they sleep in the crate, maybe near it. It also depends on the size. As smaller ones are easy to deal with.


  • Puppy Pee Covers 

The toilet mats make it simpler for a dog to choose the appropriate potty area. Therefore, give these cushions to your canine companion and teach him to distinguish between a bed and a carpet. If your Frenchie knows the potty pads, you will not have problems in your home.

However, motivate your puppy to relieve itself outside on a regular basis. It might also help your dog learn how to hold their pee before you take them outside. 

  • Pee Pads for Outdoor 

After establishing a habit and training your Frenchie to pee in a specific location regardless of the gifts, you're ready to try another approach. Take them from using pee pads to peeing outside in their preferred location. You can utilize rewards to help you accomplish it without any difficulty.

  • Make a Routine 

Potty training is an unfamiliar routine that you are imparting to your dog, so organize everything first. Creating a schedule can help you stay on track and follow the rules. If you enjoy getting up early, you can include potty training at the beginning of your day. If you are unable to make it early, schedule a time that works for you and your French Bulldog puppies

Establish habit of taking your pet outdoors for toilet intervals at the designated times. It must be done after all meals, consuming beverages, and resting. As time passes, they will become accustomed to the habits and, in fact, will be happily waiting for you.

Use Rewards 

It's not easy to inculcate a habit when you cannot get a response but only gestures. If you want to successfully potty train your French Bulldog, reward your friend. Use various treats to reward your dog when they urinate in the correct location. But don't rely on it; just try this till they get familiar with the area and routine, so that in your absence they do not wait for the goodies.


BlueHaven French Bulldog puppies are frequently mature enough to go to their new homes around 9 weeks of age. But not all puppies develop at the same rate, so they may need to hold some puppies for a little longer. 

They do keep a waiting list. When new litters arrive, they prioritize clients on the waiting list based on the dates they made their deposits and the puppy choices they provide. Contact them and get a healthy breed of Frenchie Bulldogs! Hurry and call them now!

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