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Filler Migration: What is it and Why is it Trending?

Cutis Medical Laser Clinics
Filler Migration: What is it and Why is it Trending?

It is easy to understand why dermal fillers rank as the second most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure (next to botulinum toxin). Apart from being a quick treatment, fillers are also versatile and can treat a range of aging skin concerns. From restoring volume loss to treating wrinkles and contouring facial features, they can give you a youthful appearance and enhance your natural beauty.

While there is no doubt about what dermal filler Singapore treatments can do, the issue of filler migration has become a hot topic on TikTok. This is when filler moves or migrates from the original injection site to another area of the face. But, why does this happen? What does it look like? Is there a way to prevent filler migration? 

What is filler migration?

Filler migration might be trending, but it is important to know that it is very uncommon. It is most likely to happen when the treatment is administered by an unqualified or untrained injector. It does happen though, and as previously mentioned, it occurs when the filler moves from its intended site to a nearby area.

Filler migration can happen anywhere the filler is injected, but it is more common on the lips, cheeks, and tear troughs. Lips are at the highest risk because of their limited or small space to hold the filler. Lips also move constantly with eating, drinking, and speaking throughout the day. 

Why is everyone talking about filler migration?

The topic of filler migration was first brought on by #FillerMigration in TikTok in 2022. The hashtag, which has over 20 million views, showed what happens when lip filler migrates or moves to a neighboring area. It then became a hot topic recently due to Kylie Jenner’s appearance at Paris Fashion Week earlier this year. 

People were quick to notice Kylie’s face, which according to many, may have been dealing with filler migration or too much botulinum toxin. Some have claimed that filler aged her face, which then sparked a conversation about the aging effects of fillers and filler migration. 

To Know More Visit us at: https://www.cutislaserclinics.com/blog/filler-migration-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-trending/

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