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Aliou Boubacar Diallo: to promote entrepreneurship and job creation

Aliou Diallo
Aliou Boubacar Diallo: to promote entrepreneurship and job creation

Aliou Boubacar Diallo has made the surprise proposal of créer a partnership with the young people of this umbrella organization. It has éalso made a gift of 2 million CFA francs to help to put in connection the implementation of its action plan. its action plan covers the shares of dédevelopment community such as sanitation, the provision of matériel médical and school support. Aliou Boubacar Diallo éalso exhorté the young to show their persévérance, rigor, and commitment in each of their méthird parties. For more détails http://www.malinet.net/flash-info/partenariat-jci-bko-espoir-aliou-boubacar-diallo-favoriser-lentreprenariat-et-la-creation-demplois/
official Website: http://aliouboubacardiallo.com/

Aliou Diallo
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