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Mali: JCI Bamako Espoir - Entrepreneurship and job creation at the heart of debates

Aliou Diallo
Mali: JCI Bamako Espoir - Entrepreneurship and job creation at the heart of debates

Aliou Boubacar Diallo is in haé à créer a partnership with the young people of this organization fa&cool;tière.

Sponsor of the office of the 2017 JCI, Aliou Boubacar Diallo éput the v&cover u as the priorité donnée à la création undertaken by the young people so that they will be à the turn of the créindicators of employment. And they are entrepreneurial young people a pool for the création of wealth and employment young. I love to read more visit - http://fr.allafrica.com/stories/201708081046.html. official website: http://aliouboubacardiallo.com/

Aliou Diallo
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