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Drive Engagement Through Notification Badges: Top Practices to Utilize

Janet Scott
Drive Engagement Through Notification Badges: Top Practices to Utilize

Push notifications trigger dopamine release deep down users’ vein to give the feeling that something is waiting for them inside the app (likes, comments, or even direct messages).

Remember, there must be something valuable for the clients behind that big red dot on an app.

As much has been talked about the utility of notification badges, here is a glimpse on the benefits badges offer:

Here is how mobile app development companies can opt for getting the most out of the badges.

Consider, implementing “notification center” in the app tied to a badge system.

Develop Content Strategy Including Badge System in the Mind

Janet Scott
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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