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5 Important Questions to Answer Before Building a New Website

John Tailor
5 Important Questions to Answer Before Building a New Website

Even in 2017, about 50 percent of all small businesses still lack a website. Shocking as this may sound 41 percent of them even go as far as to claim that they have no need for a website. Needless to say, this attitude is definitely more subjective than it is backed by any tangible survey. Either way, even if they make a sudden decision to create a website, where would they start in the first place? Well, here are five important questions one needs to answer before building a new website.

Why are you building a website?

Before you even start, you need to know what your expectations are of this website. Why are you building it in the first place? For instance, you may aim to increase your sales, tap into new markets, establish a reputation within your niche or simply appear more credible as a business. Either way, you want your website to be of high-quality, but it might be helpful to know where to put your focus. Some web design companies like Quikclicks also offer graphic design services, which can come in handy if you are just forming your brand. This especially goes for things like logo design.

What can you afford?

In theory, with free hosting, WordPress and a free theme, you could create a website with minimal investment. Still, this solution is probably not an ideal one for an aspiring business seeing as how it can make you look unprofessional. On the other hand, some companies are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a custom-made design. While these two examples may be a bit extreme, you need to figure out where you fall on this spectrum. Based on this, you can start devising further plans.

Are you in a rush?

Another thing you need to figure out is how much in a rush are you. Does your website need to be up and running today, tomorrow, in a week or in several months? Needless to say, the more time you have the more options will you have available, which, overall raises your chances of success. It also gives you enough time to do a proper market survey and devise your plan accordingly.

How much do you know about web development?

Even if you don’t plan on creating a website yourself, you need to have at least some basic understanding of the web development process. This will allow you to A) track the progress of the developer or team you’ve hired and B) know exactly what to expect for your money’s worth. Furthermore, this will also help you figure out how to synergize your design with your later SEO efforts. Either way, the more you know the better.

Are you familiar with different developer types?

Finally, you need to keep in mind that ‘hiring a developer’ isn’t a phrase that reveals your intentions to the fullest, seeing as how they are so many different types of developers out there. Front-end, back-end, full-stack and UI developers are just some of the most common types out there. A web design company usually has every type in their employ, which has you, more or less, covered. Nonetheless, if you are to hire a freelance designer, you need to know who you are hiring.


Only after you have these five questions answered can you feel free to say that you know exactly what you want for your website. Sure, there still may be some details that you need to work out but as far as the preparation stage goes, you will be as ready as you can be. Starting a new website (especially if it is your first one) is a huge deal, which is why it deserves your full and undivided attention.


John Tailor
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