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Why Do I Need an Email Marketing App?

Muzammil Hussain
Why Do I Need an Email Marketing App?

Majority of people are using Gmail, Outlook and other email services to send and receive email on daily basis.

These email services are good for sending emails to individuals and groups or maximum you can send email to 100 people by abusing bcc field.

These bulk email services make it easy for you to send one email in bulk to hundreds of people as gmail and other services send an email to one person or groups.

They’re the tools that power the bulk emails you receive every day, and they’re a great way to share news, announce new promotions, or send out an annual email update to all of your friends and family.

Every app we looked at lets you organize your contacts into lists, add new contacts easily via a signup form or integrations with other apps, send beautifully formatted messages in a half-dozen clicks, and analyze how your email performed.

Swift Sent Email Marketing App

Muzammil Hussain
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