AI Products 

Wondershare Streaming Audio Recorder

Mona Wilkinson
Wondershare Streaming Audio Recorder

Wondershare Streaming Audio Recorder uses virtual sound card to record any sound played through your sound card, record music from any online music sites and radio stations like MySpace, Napster, Rhapsody, XM radio, AOL radio, etc.

After recording, you can split audio files; edit ID3 tags like title, artist, and genre. Or, you can add recorded file to iTunes, Windows Media Player, or Winamp.

Here are the other features of the program:

• Records in the same quality the audio is broadcasted
• Support for recording from more than 500 audio streaming websites
• Simple and easy to use interface
• Supports a wide variety of audio sources
• Recordings are compatible with popular media players, such as iTunes, Windows Media Player, and Winamp

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Mona Wilkinson
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