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10 Things to Remember About La Paz Tourism

Banjo Tours
10 Things to Remember About La Paz Tourism

If you are planning a trip to La Paz remember the high altitude, the city's steep roads that are a challenge even if you are super fit. It is certain that you need a tour guide and a good tourist company to visit La Paz as is the highest capital in the world sitting at 3636 meters (12,000 feet) at a steep canyon on the altiplano. La Paz Tourism requires you to remember that it is one of the most fascinating cities in South America and 10 things to keep in mind about La Paz in Bolivia includes: 

  1. La Paz is the cheapest city in South America. You will enjoy your tour at reasonable cost and get to see the wonderful surroundings.
  2. You are certain to notice Plaza San Francisco as the locals and tourists congregated at the plaza during the day and night. Colonial buildings, street markets, vendors, shops and the church and monastery of San Francisco surround Plaza San Francisco.
  3. Look out for old buses that are mini or regular buses in La Paz with beautiful colors and drawings. These buses give La Paz a different feel from other South American countries.
  4. Steep cobblestone streets are a feature you will not fail to notice. It is a good way to work out walking up and down these steep cobblestone streets. These streets are overflowing with local vendors selling food, drinks and souvenirs, street markets and the famous Witches Market.
  5. Lake Titicaca Tours are one of the most amazing locations to visit using Banjo Tours. The most important thing for this vacation is to use the best travel agency for your needs.
  6. Salar De Uyuni Bolivia is breathtaking place that is surrounded by mountains and volcanoes that reach 5000 meters above sea level. It is an immense white plain of 12.000 square kilometers of salt. It is the only place on Earth visible by the naked eye from the moon.
  7. You will find the Witches Market enchanting filled with scents, potions and lotions, alpaca sweaters, leg warmers, hats, souvenirs, restaurants and llama fetuses.
  8. The Moon Valley is only less than 10 km from the city of La Paz but it is warmer and drier.
  9. Plaza Murillo is where the Bolivian government buildings, Presidential Palace, Cathedral and locals gather with pigeons and vendors in the square.
  10. The best thing about your La Paz tour is eating llama meat and buying Bowler hats and traditional clothing. 

Banjo Tours is the best tour operator in Bolivia. With a team of Bolivian travel & tourism professionals they are Bolivian tour operator based in the administrative capital of La Paz.

Banjo Tours
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