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Startling Online Vacation Rental Script For Online Rental Business

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Startling Online Vacation Rental Script For Online Rental Business

Online vacation rental booking apps are on demand as travelers/vacationers are minding it as their best option to look for accommodation on their vacation/holiday. Online vacation rental script evidently helps both rental owners and rental space seekers. So if you are with a plan to set your foot on an online rental booking business, then you have to own a startling script that have equal benefits for all involved in it.

Appkodes’s script for online rental booking business

Airbnb is the leading player in the industry of online rental booking business. Developers of Airbnb have forecasted the needs of user on a rental booking app and have came up with some breakthrough features for best UX. So, how about an app that is match to match for Airbnb.

And that is the Airfinch- An Airbnb clone app by Appkodes. Airfinch app is every bit of Airbnb, come from business model to its features. Also it has the customization option on it to set the name, looks, attributes as per your wish/need for your business.

Best platform for online rental business

Business model of Airfinch is smooth and easy on flow, efficiently connects both guests (rental accommodation seekers) and hosts (rental owners). And the process goes as follows,

  • On first hand, both users have to register and login to take part in the system
  • Then hosts can list their spaces (apartment, yachts, houseboats, full house) for rent with the approval from admin.
  • Guests can find the rentals from the list and can make booking on their convenient one.
  • The guests can either book by instant booking or request booking as provided by the host.
  • Once booking is confirmed guests can pay through the PAYPAL payment gateway.
  • Admin will oversee all the operations and will collect all the payments made by guests.
  • Then admin will deduct his commission and will send money to the host.

Airfinch has got all requisite and advanced features on its attractive UI to best support its process flow.

Airfinch can generate revenue from the commission setup, with it you can setup a percentage wise or fixed commission on each bookings made on your website.

As said this script can be easily customized as per your wish/need, customization is applicable on

  • Themes
  • Modules
  • Payment gateway
  • Integrations.

End thought

So Appkodes’s online vacation rental script- Airfinch has got everything like good business model, requisite and advanced features, good revenue generating feature and also has customization option. Also Airfinch is readily available on web, native ios and android platforms to instantly start your business.

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