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World Suicide Prevention Day 2018: Facts, Myths, Reasons and Solutions

Metro Hospital
World Suicide Prevention Day 2018: Facts, Myths, Reasons and Solutions

It is estimated, that 300 million people worldwide experience depression and are overcome by suicidal thoughts at some point.

Whether it is a serotonin or a dopamine imbalance, it is curable,” said neurologist Dr Sonia Lal Gupta - Consultant Neurologist, Metro Hospitals & Heart Institute, Noida Sector-11, UP.

She further added that the brain is just like any other part of the body that can be treated and the only way to eradicate the stigma associated with mental health is “effective and active dialogues.”

Dr Samir Parikh, a psychiatrist who has devoted his life to mental health awareness believes that suicide is preventable.

The impact of some shows on children and young adults can be detrimental.

Hence, parents need to be involved with minors and their online consumption patterns,” observed Dr Sonia Lal Gupta.

Metro Hospital
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