Visit the website at 5536 setup for complete steps to setup and install your HP Envy 5536 printer and separate instructions are given for Windows and IOS users for the setup of the printer on your computers.
Here on this website you will get the Complete Steps on How to setup and install the your Hp Envy 5544 printer.
You will also find separate instructions for windows and IOS users for the extender setup as per your requirements.
Want to setup 4520 Printer ?
We guide HP Envy 4520 Wireless Setup for Windows, Mac Smartphones. – Check out the easy steps for installing, downloading & Setup The HP Printer at Drivers to Setup HP Printer.
First of all, you need to link the printer to the PC by using the USB cord and also power it on.
From the start menu, open the settings menu.
Choose the devices option and also click Add a printer or the scanner.
At this time, the Windows OS detects the printer so choose out the name of the device and take note of the guidelines on-screen to rectify the problem.
The Windows troubleshooting guide shall find the necessary solutions for the issues you might face.
Surf to and get the hassles fixed call @ +1-800-237-0201.